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This accomplished, he returned to the boudoir, and locking the door, sat down beside his wife. The latter playfully tapped his cheek with her bouquet, but the broker took no notice of the coquettish action, and gloomily contemplating his gaiters, as if afraid to trust his eyes with the siren glances of his partner, commenced: "Mrs. B., I want to have some serious talk with you."

That noon, in a restaurant of Chelsea, the district of Pensioners and Bohemians, two young gentlemen, considerably in need of renovation by both tailor and barber, met at a table and nodded gloomily. One was Johnston Smyth, an artist, who, finding himself possessed neither of a technique nor of the industry to acquire one, had evolved a super-futurist style that had made him famous in a night.

If he flies the track, I am silent until the caucus. THEN, I will speak, if I'm alive. If I am dead, my pard will speak for me. My death would seal his utter ruin. I can stand the consequences. He has got to come up to the captain's office and settle." The astounded Harris gloomily muses while Woods quietly inscribes a few lines on a sheet of paper.

To my surprise, he told me that there is absolutely no authentic bust of Cicero dating from his time; but this was afterward denied by Story, the American sculptor, who pointed out to me a cast of one in his studio. Story spoke gloomily of the condition of Italy, saying that formerly there were no taxes, but that now the taxes are crushing.

Only, if these woods get really ablaze, the fire will jump half a mile!" "Oh no, Tom! You don't mean that?" "Yes, I do," said her cousin, gloomily. "Tobe's in a bad place. You don't know what a forest fire means, nor the damage it does, Nannie. I'm right troubled by old Tobe's case." "But there's no danger for Pine Camp, is there?" asked the girl, eagerly.

I cannot betray to you my knowledge of certain things," she went on, after a moment's hesitation, "but I can at least give you this warning. It is not for his health alone that Prince Shan is flying from China to Paris. If there is a single member of your Government who has the least apprehension of world politics, now is the time for action." "There is no one," Nigel answered gloomily.

"I have heard my father say as much," returned the Bravo, gloomily, and speaking in an altered voice. "He, too, bled in that war; but that is forgotten." The fisherman glanced a look around, and perceiving that several groups were conversing near, in the square, he signed to his companion to follow him, and walked towards the quays.

"That's a fine, serious young fellow," he added, for Whyland's ear alone. "There's stuff in him." "Been getting on with him, eh?" said Whyland ruefully. "Well, you're in luck." Abner glowered gloomily across the thinning floor. Another dance had just ended and Whyland had skimmed away once again.

"No; but some place out of town, of course." "Of course," P. Sybarite repeated mechanically. He eyed fixedly the ash on the end of his cigar. "And she told you she meant to marry Bayard Shaynon, did she!" "She said she'd promised.... And that," the boy broke out, "was what drove me crazy. He's he's well, you know what he is." "His father's son," said P. Sybarite gloomily.

And I always feel afraid I shall forgive you too easily when I look at those poor stumps and pass the jail." "You can remember all one's sins easily," Phil retorted rather gloomily. "And one's virtues, too, behind one's back. Never fear her loyalty, Mr. Nevitt." Phil had insisted everyone should drop his military cognomen.