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Perhaps it was due to the fortune that is said to attend the brave, for they had borne themselves like heroes and had been stationed at one of the most fiercely battered portions of the line. "I suppose they're gloating over this in Berlin to-night," said Tom gloomily, as they sat at the roots of a great tree whose bark and branches had been stripped from it by a storm of shells.

She turned away. "Well, all I can say is, I I hate it all, and wish it was all over and done with. Everybody's talking, everybody's gloating, and and it just makes me feel scared to death." Then she turned again to Bill. "Let's go on," she cried, a little desperately. "We'll finish our shopping, and and get away from it all. It just makes me real ill."

While one man is gloating over a Conservative victory you hear a mutter from the Radical to the effect that "That brute has got in for " Poor man, why, because he thinks differently to you, should he be a brute? But just the same words are spoken if the positions be reversed. It is only the mouths that change places. I am afraid my views incline toward the Tory side.

Only another broken heart or so. The world breaks so many this way and the other that it can have little pleasure in gloating over such stale scenes of agony. Besides we must not let our sympathies carry us away. Geoffrey and Beatrice deserved all they got; they had no business to put themselves into such a position.

Clement, who, on this same day, had received a message from Mr. Lucre, found that gentleman in remarkably good spirits. He had just received a present of a fine haunch of venison from a fox-hunting nobleman in the neighborhood, and was gloating over it, ere its descent into the larder, with the ruddy fire of epicurism blazing in his eyes.

She unrolled a few yards on the bed to show it; and asked the gloating Sarah with a great appearance of consideration whether they were not detaining her from her occupations? "Oh no, mum. This glass have got so dull; I'm just polishing of it a bit. I shan't be a minute now, mum." From silver tissue paper, Mrs.

The warm blood spurted out in jets and covered the officials and nobles as they cut savagely at the feebly struggling carcase, and the red liquid splashed the Rajah as he stood gloating over the gaping wounds and the sufferings of the poor sacrifice, his heavy face lit up by a ghastly grin of delight. The horrible spectacle shocked and disgusted the European spectators.

It was as if all the agreeable sensations possible to creatures of flesh and blood were heaped up on those black-and-white keys, and he were gloating over them and trickling them through his yellow fingers.

"It will take many days, many nights, that punishment till you have left off crying for mercy, or expecting it." He was on the threshold. His eyes suddenly shot up with a gloating hatred to Merryon's.

After wandering through several trunks and gloating over blouses, and skirts, and house-linen, and old friends the books were opened up, and before the Maluka became lost to the world Cheon favoured them with a passing glance. "Big mob book," he said indifferently, and turned his attention to the last trunk of all.