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The term "palier glissant," which does not admit of being very happily translated into an English term of equal brevity, is the name given by the inventor, Mr. Girard, to a frictionless support, or socket, designed to sustain the axes of heavy wheels in machinery. Since it is a contrivance deriving its efficacy from hydraulic pressure, it may, without impropriety, be considered here.

In fact, the most striking illustration which can be given of the immense superiority of the palier glissant over a support lubricated in in any other way, is furnished by placing two precisely similar wheels or disks side by side, weighing five or six pounds each, with a diameter of seven or eight inches, and journals of half an inch in diameter; one of them furnished with paliers glissants, and the other with boxes lubricated with fine oil.

Tout doit tendre au Bon Sens: mais pour y parvenir Le chemin est glissant et penible a tenir. 'Art. Poetique', chant 1. And again, Aux depens du Bon Sens gardez de plaisanter. 'Art. He wrote, as a youth, odes, songs, a tragedy, and part of a romance.

J'assimilois la marche de l'esprit dans celui qui dit une betise, a ce qui arrive a un homme qui cherchant a marcher legerement sur un pave glissant, tombe lourdement, ou aux tours mal-adroits du paillasse de la foire. Si l'on veut examiner les betises rassemblees ici, on y trouvera toujours un effort manque de ce genre.