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BELLA: I know you, canvasser! Dead cod! BLOOM: I saw him, kipkeeper! Pox and gleet vendor! ZOE: Me. Mind your cornflowers. Who's making love to my sweeties? ZOE: Forfeits, a fine thing and a superfine thing. ZOE: Give a thing and take it back God'll ask you where is that You'll say you don't know God'll send you down below. BLOOM: There is a memory attached to it. I should like to have it.

In gleet the discharges from the nostrils, as in ozena, are of a very light color. In glanders they are first of a deep yellow, then of a dirty gray almost slate color. Mules affected with glanders of this kind, although it may seem hard from their otherwise healthy appearance, should be destroyed.

When gonorrhoea is contracted, although frequently suppressed by local treatment in the form of injections, it is never perfectly cured thereby. No; the hidden poison runs on for a life time producing strictures, dysuria, gleet and kindred diseases; finally, in old men, a horrible prostatitis results from which the balance of one's life is rendered miserable indeed.

SYMPTOMS. When gonorrhoea is not cured at the end of twenty-one or twenty-eight days, at which time all discharge should have ceased, we have a condition known as chronic clap, which is nothing more or less than gleet.

That being thrown off, it may be some time before any further discharge will be seen from the same source. In some cases, when the discharge is constant, this can be easily distinguished from gleet or ozena, from the healthy and natural appearance of the membranes of the nose, which at first are pale, then become fiery red or purple.

Unfortunately, however, there is frequently a tendency for the disease to become chronic. The discharge becomes thin and more watery and persists for an indefinite period. This condition chronic gonorrhea is commonly known as "gleet." c. =Syphilis=, popularly termed the "pox," is a constitutional affection of the type known as "blood diseases."