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He then fixed a small pulley-wheel to his grindstone, to make up for lost time. He was still resisting the tempter, but more faintly than yesterday, when Little came in, and spoke to him. Both he and Dan were amazed at his appearance on the scene at that particular moment. They glared stupidly but said nothing. "Look here, Simmons," said Little.

You was a fool to send her away, and you'd ought to have told me about it before now. If they was such friends, I suppose the girl told her lots o' things. But I expect they see each other just the same. You don't suppose she does all you tell her? 'I'll bet you what you like she does! cried Bob. Clem glared at him. 'Oh, you an' your Pennyloaf! Likely she tells you the truth.

All day long with its smoke it had troubled the holy sky, and now it sat there roaring in the distance and glared at me with its furnaces and lighted factory windows.

And truly he deemed it a good bag of game for one day. And yet further on he came to a wigwam, and entering it saw a man there seated, whom he knew at once was of the enemy. For he who sat there glared at him grimly; he did not say to him, "'Kutakumoogwal!" "Come higher up!" as they do who are hospitable.

I thought but now that the eyes of Thibaut d'Aussigny glared on me from under a pilgrim's hood." Villon frowned. "A villainous apparition. For the news is that he lies dead in the camp of Burgundy." Katherine gave a little shudder. "I always hated him; almost feared him. If he be dead, I hope he will not haunt me. Ah! I tingle to-night like a lute that is tuned too high."

Good-bye boys we've all got to come to it at last, anyway!" The Boreas stood away out of danger, and the ruined steamer went drifting down the stream an island of wreathing and climbing flame that vomited clouds of smoke from time to time, and glared more fiercely and sent its luminous tongues higher and higher after each emission. A shriek at intervals told of a captive that had met his doom.

The date of his starting in the memorandum-book and the distance travelled made it almost certain that, at some moment between the time when those three moons floated in the sky and the time when that cross glared on the horizon, he had fallen in the snow, never to rise again. Fifty-eight below zero and a wind blowing!

They could see that the big snake was extremely uneasy. As the wind whistled by him, his great tail twisted and untwisted, and he seemed to be trying to get a better hold on the smooth surface, while his beady eyes glared at them only a moment in the glow of the flashlight, and then he transferred his attention to the landscape below them.

Then all of a sudden he turned almost fiercely on Paul Ford and glared at him. "Ye want to know how much she gave me, do ye?" he demanded hotly. "Yes," said Paul Ford. "How much she gave me for taking her that there purse?" Tommy Chadwick temporized.

I said that it did not matter two pins to me what he and his accomplices had done what I was out for was money, nothing but money. How much would he and the others put up for the jewels and my silence? I reminded him of the fifty thousand pound reward. He glared at me like the devil he is, and said that he'd a mind to kill me there and then, whatever happened.