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Is not the ardent flame of a heart that burns with passion Like the sparkling glow-worm hid in the heart of the rose? While it yet was day, and we breathed in freedom and gladness, While the sun still shone, that light seemed small and dim; But now, when night has fallen, sinister, dark, portentous, Its kindly ray beams forth to raise our drooping souls.

His father was watching at the library window, and they wrung each other's hand in gladness beyond utterance. Mary had seated herself in the solid stately chair, with the whole entrenchment of tea equipage before her.

It was impossible to believe that everything was miserable in the midst of so much gladness, and Dick's face brightened and his step became brisker almost without his knowing it, as he trudged higher and higher up that steep road. His thoughts, too, took a less desponding turn. "After all," said he to himself, "perhaps I am foolish to be running away from my master's house.

The winter passed away, and every month the strong cords of love were binding him still more closely to the hearts of his friends. Spring came the fresh grass sprung up, and the dandelions opened their blossoms in Willie's playground. How he loved to look at them! Those blades of grass, and the yellow flowers, filled his heart with gladness.

His goodly face, beaming with honest gladness, was, as Henry told the Duchess, an absolute ornament to her table.

Not an hour after he learned that a head nurse was much wanted at the alms-house. He made immediate application for her, and was happy in securing the place. It was at once offered to her, and she accepted it with gladness, especially as she would be allowed to bring her two children with her.

Branches of trees caressed my face as I passed, and now and then I caught a leaf with my teeth and chewed it, from sheer gladness of heart at being alive and vigorous on such a radiant day. "As I approached the chateau I took from my pocket the letter I had for the gardener, and was astonished at finding it sealed.

The hands of Jesus shed the oil of gladness on our heads, whilst the lamentation and regret that haunt the lives of others are abashed, as the spectres of the night before the roseate touch of morn. What further thought did Christ mean to convey, when He said, "I am the Way"? We cannot see the other side of the moon.

In a tentative way information was supplied; she spoke allusively of her school, of her examination successes, of her gladness that the days of "Cram" were over. He made it quite clear that he also was a teacher. They spoke of the greatness of their calling, of the necessity of sympathy to face its irksome details, of a certain loneliness they sometimes felt.

The wool stood for the humdrum everyday life of man: the silk and gold marked the days of mirth and gladness, always, alas! too few in number. Lachesis, the second of the Fates, was quickly turning with her left hand a spindle, while her right hand was leading a fine thread which the third sister, Atropos by name, used to cut with a pair of sharp shears at the death of each mortal.