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And so, says the Psalmist allusively, in a similar manner, the Divine Power surrounds the man who chooses God for his heritage, and nothing shall take that heritage from him. The lower forms of possession, by which men are called the owners of material goods, are imperfect, because they are all precarious and temporary. Nothing really belongs to a man if it can be taken from him.

Burman: her health is awful: yes, yes; poor woman! poor woman! we feel for her: she has come to perceive her duty to those she leaves behind. Consider: she HAS used the rod. She must be tired out if human. And she is. One remembers traits. Victor sketched one or two of the traits allusively to the hearer acquainted with them. They received strong colouring from midday's Old Veuve in his blood.

'We have entered Botany Bay, Diana said to Emma; who answered: 'A metaphor is the Deus ex machine, of an argument'; and Whitmonby, to lighten a shadow of heaviness, related allusively an anecdote of the Law Courts.

I think I came to with rather more alacrity than was wise, but he was deceived, and his first words were, "Ho, ho! the devil's knocking; who's for home, angels?" It was his way to put all things allusively, using strange figures and metaphors. Yet, when one was used to him and to them, their potency seemed greater than polished speech and ordinary phrase.

Once or twice, obscurely, allusively, he made a beginning once sitting down at a man's side in a basement chop-house, another day approaching a lounger on an east-side wharf. But in both cases the premonition of failure checked him on the brink of avowal.

"My Gawd!" said the man from prison again, as the darkness closed about them. "Why! that chap was as 'igh as a 'ouse." "That's them young Cossars," said his brother, jerking his head allusively "what all this trouble's about...." They emerged again to discover more siren-surmounted towers, more red huts, and then the clustering villas of the outer suburbs.

A few words of compassion for poor Lady Dunstane's invalided state covered Lady Wathin's retreat. She left, it struck her ruffled sentiments, an icy libertine, whom any husband caring for his dignity and comfort was well rid of; and if only she could have contrived allusively to bring in the name of Mr.

"Now, shall I inherit Bjerregrav's money?" he asked mischievously. "No you've always been good to me; I don't want to cause you any misfortune." "Worse things than that might befall me, don't you think?" "No, for you've got a fair competence. No one has a right to more, so long as the many suffer need." "Certain people have money in the bank themselves," said Master Andres allusively.

Burman: her health is awful: yes, yes; poor woman! poor woman! we feel for her: she has come to perceive her duty to those she leaves behind. Consider: she HAS used the rod. She must be tired out if human. And she is. One remembers traits. Victor sketched one or two of the traits allusively to the hearer acquainted with them. They received strong colouring from midday's Old Veuve in his blood.

"I should think YOU could do all sorts of things.... "What ought you to do?" He began to produce his knowledge of the world for her benefit, jerkily and allusively, and with a strong, rank flavor of "savoir faire." He took an optimist view of her chances. Ann Veronica listened thoughtfully, with her eyes on the turf, and now and then she asked a question or looked up to discuss a point.