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And goodness only knows what he is doing now he'll be about crazy if he came to meet me." Bobby began to laugh uncontrollably. "I never heard of such a thing in my life!" she giggled, wiping her eyes. "Dad's name is Richard Littell, and we've been expecting our cousin Betty Littell to arrive to-day from Vermont for a long visit.

Goodloe paused and looked at me, and Jessie giggled with nervousness "the same that I made to your offer about the constraining of young Charlotte." "Still it would be great sport to see both the Charlottes " Billy was saying, when a servant brought a note on his tray and handed it to Mr. Goodloe, who glanced at it and then hurriedly opened and read it. "I am sorry, Mrs.

Zulannah the courtesan peered down upon her from between the silken curtains of her balcony, and clapped her hands twice so that her woman-slaves ran quickly to watch and whisper about this white woman who stood unattended in the open market. They giggled in the insufferable Eastern way, and pointed across the Square, where the whole of the male population surged about two men.

She tried to chase them away but they quickly returned. The scissors, why were they in her fingers? Why could not she put them down? For what were they intended? Cutting! cutting thread, and tape, and throats! Throats! And she giggled hysterically at the bare notion. But what was this round her waist this shadowy arm-like object!

Pashka looked round at them, and he too was silent, though he was seeing a great deal that was strange and funny. Only once, when a lad came into the waiting-room hopping on one leg, Pashka longed to hop too; he nudged his mother's elbow, giggled in his sleeve, and said: "Look, mammy, a sparrow." "Hush, child, hush!" said his mother.

He always remembered that it was precisely ten o'clock, because he had to look intently at the diminutive face of the thing to make sure that it wasn't striking twenty or thirty. It seemed to go on forever. They were still in the dining-room and quite alone. For some uncanny reason the Grand Duchess had not giggled once since the coffee was served. She was ominously patient.

If I was him, I'd Great Scott!" He had partly arisen, and was looking at the shore. He began to scream. "Ted! Ted! Ted! Look!" "What's matter?" dreamily spoke the freckled man. "You remind me of when I put the bird-shot in your leg." He giggled softly. The agitated tall man made a gesture of supreme eloquence. His companion up-reared and turned a startled gaze shoreward.

Why, confound your young hide!" Parson Tombs giggled with joy. "Brother Messenger is going to add a word of exhortation to Brother Garnet's discourse," he said with grave elation, and when the General execrated such cruelty to a weary traveler, he laughed again.

She was sure a lurking teacher had found her out of her room. "Hush! don't be a dunce! It's only me," said a kind, if sharp, voice. "Jennie Bruce!" "Of course it is. Who did you think I was your grandmother's ghost?" giggled Jennie, pinching her. "Oh, oh!" panted Nancy. "You're scared to death. What's the matter?" "You were going into Number 38?" "Yes," admitted Nancy. "Well, come into my room.

Good that! Good, my boy! The bridegroom " he giggled to himself. "What about the bridegroom, Algy, my boy? Eh? What about him? Better trim your wick, old man, if it's not too late " "We were talking of souls, not wicks, Argyle," said Algy. "Same thing. Upon my soul it all amounts to the same thing. Where's the soul in a man that hasn't got a bedfellow eh? answer me that! Can't be done you know.