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It was early June now; the theatrical season was closed for two months, with no prospects in the booking agencies until August. In the mean time she had eight dollars, seventy-six cents, and a crooked sixpence as available collateral; and an unpaid board bill. Patsy felt sorry for Miss Gibb, but she felt no shame.

Gibb protests frantically that he has business which can't be neglected that he is just closing a deal for a good position at the hotel that he is going away on a trip but nothing helps him. He accepts the job with ill-concealed horror, and the factory boys climb up on the roof of the main building and hoist a flag. We all know what it means. Gibb is working again.

Gibb Ogle explains to the one hundred and eleventh knot of people how he was going past the place when he saw the tongue of flame, and every one disperses after a pleasant social time. Everybody is tolerably well satisfied except the hook-and-ladder gang, which, as usual, is skunked again never got a ladder out.

Any one who has observed the process will know how lifelike the illustration was, and will not wonder that Mr. Gibb admitted her, and that she lived to be one of the fairest members of his church. It is a universal question.

It's like a battered and yellowed wreck advocating cigarettes, or a bald-headed barber pushing his own hair tonic. Gibb Ogle, the other member of our leisure class, is a very different kind of a bird. His art is more sublime than DeLancey's because he has no one to support him. He has worked down to his present state from nothing at all. He is a self-unmade man.

T. T. Cotnam, State treasurer during these years and chairman of the State Suffrage Central Committee from 1917. The following officers were elected: Chairman, Mrs. Ellington; secretary, Mrs. Gibb, Little Rock. Finance Committee: Chairman, Mrs. Cotnam; Mrs. C. C. Cate, Jonesboro; Mrs. Land, Mrs. William Ells, Texarkana; Mrs. W. H. Connell, Hot Springs. Committee that framed constitution: Mrs.

"I was with Bauldy when he quarrelled Tam Gibb of Hoochan-doe. Hoochan-doe's a yelling ass, and he threatened Bauldy oh, he would do this, and he would do that, and he would do the other thing. 'Damn ye, would ye threaten me? cried Bauldy. 'I'll gar your brains jaup red to the heavens! And I 'clare to God, sirs, a nervous man looked up to see if the clouds werena spattered with the gore!"

But if only there be love love to God, love to man then though there may be many deficiencies in head and heart, there is the one prime evidence of Christianship. It was on such grounds that the Rev. Adam Gibb of Edinburgh once acted.

He is a movable landmark, as permanent as the Republican flagpole in the city park. I have never yet gone down-town in the morning without seeing Gibb on the street.

No matter who the visitor is, he grabs Ogle's hand and yells: "Why, hello, Gibb, you fat old scoundrel, how's your sore foot?" Then we crowd around and fight for the next turn, and go home and hastily spread the news that So-and-so has come home big and prosperous as all get-out, and not spoiled a bit.