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Dead, in the ghostliest sense of the word, the viewless pressure upon her life of numberless vanished generations. She will have not only to strive against colossal odds in her rivalry with more plastic and more forceful societies; she will have to strive much more against the power of her phantom past.

Just last night my boy Ossy came strolling along with the lady he is keeping company with, and where do you s'pose they set down to rest, and look at the moon and talk about the silliest subjecks? Right on my headstone! I stood in front of them and did the ghostliest things till I was clean tired out and discouraged. They just would not pay the least attention."

In a steep deserted square one of these doors opens its panels of weather-silvered cedar on the court of the frailest, ghostliest of Medersas mere carved and painted shell of a dead house of learning.

They were quite as tired as I, I decided and they had done a lot more. And so I told the faithful Johnson to bring wee Tinkle Tom along, and get him up to the little stage, and I faced my audience in the midst of a storm of the ghostliest applause I ever hope to hear! I could hear them, do you ken, but I could no see a face before me!

The sun begins to set, and exquisite astonishments of tinting appear in water and sky. Dead rich purples cloud broadly behind and above the indigo blackness of the serrated hills mist purples, fading upward smokily into faint vermilions and dim gold, which again melt up through ghostliest greens into the blue.

How they had been able to make way through the great press of excited people, he never knew; no more did he know the road by which they came or the time it took them to come. He had walked in total unconsciousness, neither hearing nor seeing anybody or anything, and without a thought of where he was going, or the ghostliest semblance of a purpose in his mind.

"You are the ghostliest thing I've ever known," said David with a nervous laugh of relief. "How do you do it?" "Simple twist of the wrist," said Dick, employing a phrase of the day. "Gee, how tired you must be, after pokin' up the fire like that!" David hastened to do his part of the pantomime.

"I think it is you who are at fault," she told him, "when you call unchristian an act which was necessary to secure this child to Christ." He smiled a sad little smile. "Yet even so, it were well you should proceed with caution and with authority; and in this you have none." It was her turn to smile, the palest, ghostliest of smiles, and even for so much she must have been oddly moved.

Much more remote, upon our right, enormous, pansy-purple, tower the shapes of the Kita-yama, or northern range; filing away in tremendous procession toward the sunset, fading more and more as they stretch west, to vanish suddenly at last, after the ghostliest conceivable manner, into the uttermost day. All this is beautiful; yet there is no change while hours pass.

Here was a brawny inhabitant of rural fields, leading the healthiest of lives, not conscious of the faculty we call imagination, stricken down almost to Death's door by his fright at an optical illusion, explicable, if examined, by the same simple causes which had impressed me the night before with a moment's belief in a sound and a spectre, me who, thanks to sublime education, went so quietly to sleep a few minutes after, convinced hat no phantom, the ghostliest that ear ever heard or eye ever saw, can be anything else but a nervous phenomenon.