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I'll have the bag at your home within fifteen minutes." So during the first period after recess Mrs. Cantwell was visited by Getchel, who handed her the satchel, merely remarking: "Mr. Cantwell left this at my office, ma'am, and asked me to bring it down to you. It contains some money that your husband sent you." Money?

Getchel brought the satchel to me, and told me it was money you had sent me. But I want to say, Abner, that of all the " At this moment the principal picked up the hateful satchel and the pair passed out of hearing of four young freshmen who had hidden near to learn what the mystery of the satchel meant.

Cantwell hurried, changing the satchel from one hand to the other whenever an arm ached too much. "This satchel contains a lot of currency, Mr. Getchel," explained the poor principal. "I wish you could do me the favor of having a horse hitched up and take this to my wife. Will you do it?" "Certainly," nodded the liveryman. "Just lock the satchel; that is all.

I saw Beany today and he run out his tung at me. all rite for you Beany. Mar. 23. it raned and was auful windy today. i sold my iron and bones today to old Getchel for 42 cents. i took out 12 cents to treet the fellers and put 30 cents with my cornet money. Mar. 24. it was warm today and fine.