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"Pretty soon one of us will be all in and then it'll be harder for the other. We've got to get out, no matter what." "Therre may be a Gerrman soldierr within ten feet of us now," Archer said. "They'rre probably around in this vineyarrd somewherre, anyway. If we tried to forrce it open they'd hearr us." "We couldn't force it, anyway," Tom said.

There's a Gerrman fleet not far off, an' if ye shtop to monkey wit' us, faith ye may live to regret it an' ye may not." Captain the Hon. Desmond O'Hara smiled sweetly. "Divil a fear," he said, in no way cast down. "We met the beggars off the Falklands yesterday and sunk them all but the Dresden.

They could only stand and stare at each other. Some one had evidently taken their coats away in the night. "It's Gerrman efficiency, that's what it is," said Archer. "Why didn't they take us, too?" Tom asked. "They'll be along forr us pretty soon," Archer reassured him. "They'rre superrmen that's what they arre. Maybe it's some kind of strategy, hey? They can do spooky things, those Huns.

"Ze Prussians, zey are sure to catch you. Tell me more of my bruzzer." "The Prussians ain't so smarrt," said Archer. "They're good at some things, but when it comes to tracking and trailing and all that, they're no good. You neverr hearrd of any famous Gerrman scouts. They're clumsy. They couldn't stalk a mud turrtle." "You are not afraid of zem?" "Surre, we ain't.

Certainly it had not been used for many years except apparently by fishermen occasionally, and the rotten condition of the seines showed that even such visitors had long since ceased to use it. Perhaps indeed it was a sort of outpost watch tower belonging to the gray castle which they saw through the mist. "Maybe it belonged to a Gerrman baron," suggested Tom.

"Do you think maybe they had a hunch we werren't Gerrman soldierrs at all?" Archer queried. "No," said Tom. "I think they just didn't want to salute us till they were sure we were soldiers like themselves. I think a soldier hasn't got a right even to salute an officer here unless the officer takes some notice of him. Maybe the officer's got to glance at him first, or something."

This is the only thing about Gerrmany that's on the level, hey?" Toward evening they had the lesser of the two surprises which were in store for them in the Black Forest. They were hiking along when suddenly Tom paused and listened intently. "What is it?" Archer asked. "A bird," said Tom, "but I never heard a bird make a noise like that before." "He's chirrping in Gerrman," suggested Archer.

"He must o' been a walking correspondence school," said Archer, unfolding the contents of the parchment envelope. "Herre's a list all in German. Herre's some poetry or I s'pose it's poetry, 'cause it's printed all in and out." "Maybe it's a hymn of hate," said Tom. "Herre's a map, and herre's a letter. All in Gerrman even the map. Anyway, I can't understand it."

At the beginning of the war, when the battery of Gerrman hatred was directed chiefly against Russia, the world was told that the measure of her barbarity was to be seen in the condition to which the Polish people had been reduced under Russian rule.

"The way I make it out," said Archer, "is that this Blondel, whoeverr he is, has got some Gerrman officerr wished on him and that geezerr has charrge of the women worrking on the new road. I'd like to know how you expect to get within a mile of those people in the daytime."