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They stared incredulously at the extraordinary spectacle before them. "Little GEN-TIL-MUN!" shrieked Marjorie, with a wild stroke that landed full upon Penrod's tarry cap. "OOOCH!" bleated Penrod. "It's Penrod!" shouted Sam Williams, recognizing him by the voice. For an instant he had been in some doubt. "Penrod Schofield!" exclaimed Georgie Bassett. "WHAT does this mean?"

And then he left the room, and Janetta, forcing back the tears in her eyes, did her best to smile when Georgie and Tiny hugged her simultaneously and Jinks beat a tattoo upon her knee. "Well," said Mrs.

I'm not going to have neighbourhood quarrels over such " "But, Papa " "That's enough! You said yourself you haven't anything against Georgie." "I said " "You said you didn't like him, but you couldn't tell why. You couldn't state a single instance of bad behaviour against him. You couldn't mention anything he ever did which wasn't what a gentleman should have done. It's no use, I tell you.

And he confided to me that he thought he should go to the Banks that coming winter. "But it's so cold!" said I; "should you really like it?" "Cold!" said Georgie. "Ho! rest of the men never froze."

Next morning the ship was rolling in a Biscay sea, and people were not happy; but as Georgie came to breakfast, shaven, tubbed, and smelling of soap, several turned to look at him because of the light in his eyes and the splendour of his countenance. "Well, you look beastly fit," snapped a neighbour. "Any one left you a legacy in the middle of the Bay?"

"Where's Lizzie?" he asked, eying Mary's negligee. "Oh, dearie and I've been keeping you waiting!" Mary lamented. "Come into the dining-room, it's cooler. She's marketing." George dropped into a chair and mopped his forehead. "No one to answer the telephone?" he pursued, frowning. "It's disconnected, dear. Georgie, what is it? you look sick." "Well, I am, just about!" George said sternly.

I never saw a dead body in my life; and it would hardly do to try it with a real dead body " "Georgie, don't be horrid!" Lady Adela said, severely. "Here is Mr. Moore, who can tell you how high the hands should be held, and whether they should be clenched or open." Would you have her hands above her head?

Then, oh then, Peppino pulled the string, and for quite a long time Georgie listened entranced to their melodious cooings. That served him out for his "trap" about the real pear introduced among the stone specimens. For in spite of the rarefied atmosphere of culture at Riseholme, Riseholme knew how to "desipere in loco," and its strenuous culture was often refreshed by these light refined touches.

Susan hesitated again over the thought of a hot bath, decided against it, decided against even the usual brushing of her hair to- night, and sprang into bed to lie flat on her tired back, watching Mary Lou make up Georgie's bed with dislocating yawns, and Georgie, wincing as she put her hair into tight "kids."

Their papas were in the 'City, or on ''Change, and had as many thousands a year as the largest farmer she knew could reckon hundreds. Georgie felt ashamed of her papa, recollecting his crumpled old hat, and his scrubby chin.