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It was a little bold certainly I just looked at it at my club after hours devoted to parish duty a clergyman is sometimes allowed, you know, desipere in loco there are descriptions in it certainly startling ideas about marriage not exactly orthodox; but the poor child wrote the book actually in the nursery, and all England was ringing with it before Dr.

"What nonsense you two young people do talk," said Mr. Frettlby, with an amused smile, as he stirred his tea. "Dulce est desipere in loco," observed Brian, gravely, "a man who can't carry out that observation is sure not to be up to much." "I don't like Latin," said Miss Frettlby, shaking her pretty head.

"Dulce est desipere," replied Flamby, "but I am not jesting. Oh, that beastly Latin! Do you remember when I quoted Portia to you? It makes me go all goosey to think of some of the awful things I have said to people." "You have said one thing, Flamby, which I must request you to explain," said Don gravely.

"Sir Arthur," said the Antiquary, "don't let us waste time which is precious; we shall have, I hope, many better seasons for jesting desipere in loco is the maxim of Horace. I more than suspect this has been brought on by the villany of Dousterswivel."

The liveliness of the interruption, and its futility, often please; dulce est desipere in loco; and yet those who must endure the society of inveterate jokers know how intolerable this sort of scintillation can become.

The Roman carnival in three moods Apples of Sodom Poor, battered, wilted, stained hearts A living protest and scourge Dulce est desipere in loco A rollicking world of happy fools Endless sunshine of some sort Greenwich Fair was worth a hundred of it They thundered past, never drawing rein "Senza moccolo!"

"There are folks," says Mr. Counsellor Pleydell, "before whom a man should take care how he plays the fool, because they have either too much malice or too little wit." Kinglake knew his associates, and was not ashamed desipere in loco, to frolic in their presence.

Dulce est desipere in loco that old saw might have been made precisely to serve as the motto of the Roman carnival; and very likely it was actually suggested to its renowned author by some similar sport belonging to the old Roman days, before Christianity was thought of.

He said that life was too short for serious study, and that every kind of pursuit should be tempered with fooling; while to prevent fooling becoming wearisome it should always be dashed with something earnest, as the sodawater is dashed with brandy, or the Government of India with Mr. Whitley Stokes. Nigrorum memor, dum licet, ignium, Misce stultitiam consiliis brevem: Dulce est desipere in loco.

After spending ten or a dozen hours in hard study" laughter and applause "we find it pleasant to close our books, to relax our learned brows" more laughter "and show our appreciation of the good things of life. As Horace, your favorite, says" I won't insult you by offering to translate his well-known words "dulce est desipere in loco.