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"Is that you, Nimbus?" asked the stricken man in surprise. "How do you come to be here?" "Jes tuk it inter my head ter come home atter de funeril, an' done got here jest in time ter take a han' in what was gwine on." "Is the church all burned down, Nimbus?" "De ruf hez all fell in. De sides 'll burn a long while yet. Dey'se logs, yer know." "Did 'Gena get away, Nimbus?" "Here I is, Bre'er 'Liab."

I'll tell yer what, Marse Hesden, I allus 'llowed fer Bre'er 'Liab ter hev half o' dat plantation. Now yer jes makes out de papers an' let him hev de whole on't, an' I goes ter Kansas wid 'Gena." "No, no, Nimbus," said Eliab; "I could not consent " "Yes yer kin, 'Liab," said Nimbus quickly, with some of his old-time arrogance. "Yer kin an' yer will.

"l'se got ter see what's come o' 'Gena an' de rest, an' it's best fer both. Good-by! God bress yer! Ef he comes tu, ax him sometimes ter pray for Nimbus. But'tain't no use no use fer he'll do it without axin'. Good-by!" He opened the wooden shutter, ran down the ladder, and disappeared, as the misty morning gave way to the full and perfect day.

What have you been thinking of, child?" Claudia started like one suddenly aroused from sleep, threw her hands to her face as if to clear away a mist, and looked around. But Mrs. Middleton had hurried to the door and was calling: "Here, Alice! Laura! 'Gena! Lotty! Where are you?" Receiving no answer, she flew to the bell and rang it and brought Claudia's maid to the room.

"Oh, yes, I kin stan' it, 'cause I'se got ter. I'se been sleepin' in de woods ebber sence, an' kin keep on at it; but I knows whar it'll end, an' so der you, Miss Mollie." "No, it shall not, 'Gena. You are right. It is not safe for you to stay. Just hide yourself a few nights more, till I can look after things for you here, and I will take you away to the North, where there are no Ku Klux!"