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And the gemman put his hand on my shoulder, and spoke for me, and said a many things that I can't remember; but one thing I remember quite well: "You come here every evening," says he, "and you'll be taught your duty, and how to do it.

Virginia suddenly leaped to the ground without his assistance. "That's enough, Ned," she said, and started toward the house. "Jinny! Miss Jinny!" The call was plaintive. "Well, what?" "Miss Jinny, I seed that than young gemman. Lan' sakes, he ain' look like er Yankee." "Ned," said Virginia, sternly, "do you want to go back to cooking?" He quailed. "Oh, no'm Lan' sakes, no'm.

"De siety I'se enjoyin' at dis minit," said deceitful Dolf, "is enough to turn de head of any gemman." "Oh, we know all 'bout dat," said Vic. "In course you does," returned Dolf, forgetting Clorinda, and trying to seize Vic's hand, but so uncertain were his movements that she readily escaped him. Clorinda saw it all; it was fuel to the flame which consumed her.

"You go in, Marse Oliver. Leabe de gemman here wid me under de tree. Everybody's got dere eye wide open now can't fool Malachi I knows de signs. Oliver walked leisurely to the door, closed it softly behind him, and ran upstairs into his mother's arms. Malachi whispered to Grant, and the two disappeared in the shadows.

"Whah dat gemman what get on at P'laski City?" Ravenel waved his cigar. "He's out in back garden pickin' flowers! Porter you f ond o' flowers? Porter! here! Mr. March's simply stepped out s see 'f he can find a f four-leaf clover."

The major listened attentively, consulted aside with the judge, and then in an authoritative tone, made the more impressive by the decided way with which he hitched up his trousers, said: "You have done all that a high-toned Southern gemman could do, Colonel. Yo' honor, suh, is without a stain."

Axed me oncet who I s'posed de baby's fader was, an' I tole her de gemman from de Norf, in course, an' den made up de lie an' tole her dey had a weddin' on de sly in Georgy kinder runaway, an' his kin was mad an' kep' him to home 'cept oncet when he comed hyar to see her, an' I 'clar for't I doan think she b'lieve a word 'cept that he was hyar. Everybody knowd that.

Petulengro; who, having refilled the cup, now emptied it at a draught. ‘Your health in Rommany, brother,’ said Tawno Chikno, to whom the cup came next. ‘The Rommany Rye,’ said a third. ‘The Gypsy gentleman,’ exclaimed a fourth, drinking. And then they all sang in chorus:— ‘Here the Gypsy gemman see, With his Roman jib and his rome and dreeRome and dree, rum and dry Rally round the Rommany Rye.’

"Has the Dragon returned?" asked Jaspar. "Yes, sar, jus got in, Massa." "Is there any person in the house who went up in her?" "Yes, massa, one gemman in de office." "Who is he?" "Massa massa " and the darkey scratched his head, to stimulate his memory, which act instantly brought the name to his mind. "Massa Lousey." "Mister what, you black scoundrel!" "Yes, sar, Massa Lousey; dat's de name."

But there never was the gemman of the road, great or small, knowing or stupid, as outlived his seventh year. And this will be the captain's seventh, come the 21st of next month; but he be a fine chap, and I'll go to his hanging!" "Fish!" said the robber, peevishly, he himself was verging towards the end of his sixth year, "pish!"