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Copper pyrites, by its aspect from the other minerals, and from iron pyrites by its inferior hardness and less gravity. Stilbite is characterized by its form, difficult gelatinizing, and intumescence before the blowpipe; from natrolite as mentioned under that species. Laumonite is known by its generally chalky appearance and a probable failure in finding it.

It was an old mass; full, magnificent chords in long succession, strung together on a clear but delicate melody. She played it to perfection: her lovely hands seemed to grasp the chords. No fumbling in the base; no gelatinizing in the treble. Her touch, firm and masterly, yet feminine, evoked the soul of her instrument, as David had of his, and she thought of her mother as she played.

It partly dissolves in acid without gelatinizing, leaving a flaky residue; it is a beautiful mineral when in masses or crystals of a dark green color, but the best place in the vicinity to secure specimens of this kind is, as I will detail hereafter, at Paterson, N. J. Iron and Copper Pyrites.

Natrolite resembles stilbite, but may be distinguished by gelatinizing readily with hydrochloric acid and by not intumescing when heated before the blowpipe; from the other minerals by the form of the crystals and their setting, also the locality in the tunnel in which it was found.

It intumesces and readily fuses before the blowpipe, and dissolves in acid without gelatinizing. Hardness 4, specific gravity 2.2.