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"One of you has got me into a bad scrape, for this morning, Gavett, the man I boarded with, turned me out of his house because I had a moccasin snake in a box in my room." "Rough on you, was he?" added the mate. "Mighty rough! I have been looking for another room all day, and I can't get one. I've got to sleep out-doors to-night," replied Cobbington, with a very long face.

His name, I believe, is Captain Gavett. Wednesday, August 15th. I went to Commencement at Williams College, five miles distant. At the tavern were students with ribbons, pink or blue, fluttering from their buttonholes, these being the badges of rival societies. There was a considerable gathering of people, chiefly arriving in wagons or buggies, some in barouches, and very few in chaises.

"Early this morning I paid Gavett the last dollar I had for the rent of the room; and I haven't had a mouthful to eat since I had my breakfast. How long can an invalid live, sleeping out-doors, with nothing to eat?" added Cobbington. I saw the tears roll down the thin cheeks of the man, and my sympathies were excited. I saw it was the same with Washburn.

I know I'm a liar; but I told that lie for a dollar Boomsby gave me for telling it, so that I need not be turned out of my room. If I had that Judas dollar, I would send it back to Boomsby, and die with a clean conscience." "It never pays to do wrong," I added, deeply moved by the invalid's story. "I told Gavett I had no snake; but he turned me out, all the same.