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So there was no more than a gasped-out word to Williams as he climbed to the cab before the eight-wheeler, with the Nadia in tow, shot away from the Crow's Nest platform.

The iceboat was now within ten feet of the ice, so he could see Coulter quite plainly. The poor fellow had been ducked in the water and was shaking from head to feet from cold. "We'll soon have you ashore, Gus!" he called out. "Keep up your courage." "I I can't hold on much longer!" was the gasped-out reply. "I am free freezing to de death!"

"Oh, oh, we'll fall! I can't do it!" were her gasped-out words. "You've got to do it unless you want to be burned up. Now then, if you don't want to climb down the ladder, let me carry you." "I I oh I can't move!" And with these words, the teacher sank down across the window sill.

I meant to live for the Mother, and be to those poor sisters of mine what she was oh, my darling! my darling! to me! And all the while Love was coming nearer and nearer, and at last " She swept the tears from her face with the palms of her slight open hands, and drew a deep, shuddering breath, and went on brokenly, with sobs between the gasped-out sentences: " At last it came.

The rope was speedily adjusted, and then the three young hunters were able to brace their feet on ground that was fairly firm. "Now, hold tight, Giant!" sang out Shep. "I'll hold as ti -tight as I ca -can," was the gasped-out answer, for the small youth was all but exhausted by his struggles. The others began a steady and strong pull, and inch by inch Giant came up out of the sticky mud.

The others were already laboring to release Giant. Through the tangle of branches the smoke was pouring, for more snow had fallen on the fire. "Giant, can't you turn and get some air through the cracks of the side?" called out Whopper. "That's what I am trying to do, but I am caught fast," was the gasped-out answer. "I'll try to do something around near the chimney," said Jed Sanborn.

The birdman had fallen out, but had managed to cling to the chimney, so that he had not reached the ground, and there he clung, while the motor of his airship was banging away, and revolving the propeller blades dangerously close to his head. "Are you hurt?" cried Tom, to the unknown birdman. "No, but I'm likely to be unless I get out of here!" was the gasped-out answer. "Hold fast!" cried Tom.

What "poetry" we do get is so vague and dim and wistful and forlorn that it makes us want to go out and "buy clothes" for someone. We veer between the abomination of city-reform and the desolation of Ultima Thule. But Shakespeare is Shakespeare still. O those broken and gasped-out human cries, full of the old poignancy, full of the old enchantment!