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Oh! how I should like to know!" Another patient of Garnier's, who haunted churches for this purpose, made this very significant statement: "Why do I like going to churches? I can scarcely say. But I know that it is only there that my act has its full importance.

For the opportunity of consulting it I am indebted to Rev. Felix Martin, S. J. Lettres du P. Charles Garnier, MSS. These embrace his correspondence from the Huron country, and are exceedingly characteristic and striking. There is another letter in Carayon, Premiere Mission. Garnier's family was wealthy, as well as noble.

But all Garnier's marked that whereas the habitues contented themselves with an omelette aux champignons, saute potatoes and a Petit Suisse, or the like modest menu, Betty's new friend ordered for himself, and for her, "a real regular dinner," beginning with hors d'oeuvre and ending with "mendiants."

But, all the same, next evening when Vernon called to take her to dinner, she said: "Couldn't we go somewhere else? I'm tired of Garnier's." Vernon was tired of Garnier's, too. "Do you know Thirion's?" he said. "Thirion's in the Boulevard St.

It was Peter, and alone, who met her at the station with the wagonette. The high ecstasy of her shrinking fell like collapsing walls beneath her. Life was grey, level, flat. "Mrs. Garnier's po'ly this mornin'," Pete told her as they drove homeward. "Mis' Cha'lotte wouldn't leave her to come, and Mr. Willy, he's been gone for a week now, down to the grasswater with a pahty of gen'l'men, as guide."