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When in Company, put not your Hands to any Part of the Body not usually Discovered. Gardez-vous bien de toucher de la main aucune partie de vostre corps, de celles qui ne sont point en veuë, en la presence d'aucune autre personne. Pour les mains, & le visage, cela leur est ordinaire. Et afin de vous y accoustumer pratiquez ce poinct de ciuilité mesme en vostre particulier.

He was about to reach for the reins of her horse when something made her turn and look up the slope of the hill toward the overhanging, ledgelike rock above the camp. "Mon ami!" she screamed. "Gardez-vous!" What happened she was not able to exactly understand. Only she somehow realized that never had she understood the possibility of rapid motion before.

"Be careful of Flora Billingsgate," he said to me, in low stern tones, while his pitiless eye shot a baleful fire. "Gardez-vous!" "Gnothi seauton," I replied calmly, not wishing to appear to be behind him in perception or verbal felicity. Guy started off in high spirits. He was well carried.

"Here then is a Corsair-song. Know that I doat on Corsairs; and for that reason, sing it con spirito." "Commands from Miss Ingram's lips would put spirit into a mug of milk and water." "Take care, then: if you don't please me, I will shame you by showing how such things should be done." "That is offering a premium on incapacity: I shall now endeavour to fail." "Gardez-vous en bien!

Gilchrist and I take watch and watch." The game was up. "Beaucoup de plaisir!" I replied, in the same tones. "Il fait un peu froid pour veiller; gardez-vous des engelures!" I suppose it was done in a moment of ungovernable rage; but in spite of the excellent advice he had given to Ronald the moment before, Chevenix slipped the chain, and the dog sprang, straight as an arrow, up the bank.

The Submarine Commander rose from the gunwale and tossed away his cigarette-end, then he grinned at the Submarine Hunter who stood with one shoulder against the structure aft, shredding tobacco into the palm of his hand. "Gardez-vous, Old Sport!" he said, as he began to climb down into the dinghy, where Sir William joined him. "That's French, ain't it?" said the Submarine Hunter.

Ranuzi must not leave Berlin, and when the king's answer is received, he must be found here." "You shall find him with me," said she; "and if not, I shall at least be able to tell you where he is. Fear nothing; he shall not escape! I am his guard! When you receive the reply of the king, have the goodness to inform me. Quoique cette femme puisse vous dire, gardez-vous bien d'y ajouter foi.

Give me your hand again, Fatalité, bien aimée! gardez-vous, mais gardez-vous!" She answered him steadily. "À demain. Adieu, mon ami. Ride as quickly as you can, but lead your horse for the first few minutes." "Le jeu est fait, rien ne vas plus!" He was gone, and Arithelli was back in the hut again, and now the worst of it all was still to come.

But, even then, I saw a face at an archere, an ill face and fell, the wolf's eyes of Brother Thomas glancing along the stock of an arbalest. "Gardez-vous, Pucelle, gardez-vous!" I cried in her ear, for I was next her on the ladder; but a bolt whistled and smote her full, and reeling, she fell into my arms.

Chapter vii. 3. Il ne faut pas se mettre sur la raillerie, quãd il n'est point temps de solastrer. Gardez-vous bien d'éclater en risées, d'y passer les bornes de la bienseance, & de le faire sans un suiet raisonnable, pour suiure l'inclinatiõ qui vous porte