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Then should one repair to Vinasana that destroys every sin. By a sojourn thither, one obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and goeth also to the region of Soma. Proceeding next to Gandaki which is produced by the waters of every tirtha, a person acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and ascendeth also to the solar region.

It is composed almost entirely of the valuable saul-tree, and a great quantity of timber is annually exported to Calcutta down the Gandaki, which is navigable to the foot of the Cheriagotty hills. The licence to fell the saul timber is confined exclusively to Nepaul merchants, and the payment demanded by Government for such permission is so enormous that the trade is not very profitable.

As the whole of the country is richly cultivated, the distance of their dwellings from the scene of their daily labour must in some instances be considerable. The Gandaki, over which we were ferried, is a large stream rising in Nepaul, and as broad as the Gograh. We went some distance up its banks, in the hopes of finding wild-pig, but were unsuccessful.

This Ganga, issuing out of the golden peaks of Himavat, falleth into the waters of the ocean, being distributed into seven streams. They who drink the waters of these seven streams, viz., Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Vitashtha, Sarayu, Gomati, and Gandaki, are cleansed of all their sins. O Gandharva, this sacred Ganga again, flowing through the celestial region is called there the Alakananda.

They were made of gold, of silver, of brass and of marble, according to their im-portance and merits. Maha-Deva or Shiva was of gold. Gunpati or Ganesha of silver, Vishnu in the form of a round black stone from the river Gandaki in Nepal. In this form Vishnu is called Lakshmi-Narayan. There were also many other gods unknown to us, who were worshipped in the shapes of big sea-shells, called Chakra.

This Ganga, issuing out of the golden peaks of Himavat, falleth into the waters of the ocean, being distributed into seven streams. They who drink the waters of these seven streams, viz., Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Vitashtha, Sarayu, Gomati, and Gandaki, are, cleansed of all their sins.

Then should one repair to Vinasana that destroys every sin. By a sojourn thither, one obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and goeth also to the region of Soma. Proceeding next to Gandaki which is produced by the waters of every tirtha, a person acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and ascendeth also to the solar region.