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He caught sight of the cart with Master Gammon in it, and asked him whether all his people were going up to London; but the reply was evidently a mile distant, and had not started; so putting a sovereign in Master Gammon's hand, together with the reins of his horse, Algernon bade the old man conduct the animal to the White Bear Inn, and thus violently pushing him off the tramways of his intelligence, left him stranded.

And what's more" her eyes sparkled "if ever you say such word to Minnie you never pass my door again." This seemed to take Mr. Gammon's breath away. After a rather long silence he looked about for his hat, then for his dog-whip. "I'll say good night, Mrs. Clover. Hot, isn't it? Hottest day yet. I say, you're not riled with me? That's all right. See you again before long."

It always reminded him of the Bible story Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea. He was in the full enjoyment of this spectacle when an odour of cloves breathed across his face, and a voice addressed him. "Isn't that you, Mr. Gammon? Well, if I didn't think so!" The speaker was a young woman, who, with a male companion, had just mounted the bus and seated herself at Gammon's back.

But that Polly was slightly made, a man of Gammon's physique would have found it impossible to carry her down the stairs; as it was he soon began puffing and groaning. In spite of the risk Polly still struggled two stair-railings were wrenched away on the first flight. Then appeared Mr. and Mrs. Cheeseman, red and perspiring with muffled laughter. "You may laugh, you wretches!" Polly shrieked.

Then came Gammon's disclosure about the burning of the will and about Lord Polperro's intention to see his solicitor. Greenacre smiled grimly. "If I may make a personal remark, Gammon," he said in measured tones, "I will confess that I should never have allowed the destruction of that document. You, my friend, if I am not mistaken, had a still greater interest in preventing it.

And you will bring Rhoda to us on Monday?" "Yes; and try and help to make the farm look up again, if Gammon'll do the ordering about." "Poor old Mas' Gammon! He's a rare old man. Is he changed by adversity, Robert? Though he's awful secret, that old man! Do you consider a bit Gammon's faithfulness, Robert!" "Ay, he's above most men in that," Robert agreed.

He caught sight of the cart with Master Gammon in it, and asked him whether all his people were going up to London; but the reply was evidently a mile distant, and had not started; so putting a sovereign in Master Gammon's hand, together with the reins of his horse, Algernon bade the old man conduct the animal to the White Bear Inn, and thus violently pushing him off the tramways of his intelligence, left him stranded.

"Give me Gammon's life!" was Farmer Fleming's prayerful interjection; seeing him come and go, sit at his meals, and sleep and wake in season, all through those tragic hours of suspense, without a question to anybody. Once or twice, when his eye fell upon the doctor, Master Gammon appeared to meditate.

You 'm not going to push me out? And my place is by the tea-pot, which I cling to, rememberin' how I seen her curly head grow by inches up above the table and the cups. Mas' Gammon," she appealed to the sturdy feeder, "five cups is your number?" Her hope was reduced to the prolonging of the service of tea, with Master Gammon's kind assistance.

"I didn't let out what I knew," she answered rather confused. It was Gammon's turn to watch keenly. "Not all, of course not," he remarked slyly. "But why couldn't you keep it to yourself that you'd met him?" Polly's eyes wandered. Gammon smiled with satisfaction. "I'd have kept that to myself," he said in a friendly way. "I know how it was, of course; you got riled and came out with it.