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These lotteries are a means of ruin and demoralization in every Italian town, the lottery offices, where the winning numbers are displayed, being only less plentiful than the cafés. I believe many of the poorer people invest their savings in these "official" gambling-places, and the majority are much the worse for so doing.

How would an angel feel, who was forced to go down to hell, and become like the lost creatures there, remembering all the time the undefiled heaven he was banished from? I was no angel, but I had been a simple, unsullied, clear-minded girl, and I found myself linked in association with men and women such as frequent the gambling-places on the Continent.

Certainly it was a case of "whited sepulcher." The whiteness viewed from afar disappeared. The main street was lined with hastily-erected two-story frame buildings, with here and there a tent a series of saloons, gambling-places, and dance-halls, restaurants, steamship agencies, various kinds of stores, and lawyers' "offices." It was filled with a mass of promiscuous humanity.

'Phil a gambler! she said, with an honest scorn of conviction. 'I know better. What makes you think it? 'There are a lot of beastly clubs at the West End, said the old man, beginning to struggle with his overcoat, partly because he wished to avoid the girl's look, and partly because the motion was a relief to him. 'Gambling-places.

In 1906 there was a wild stampede to this region, and two or three thousand people went in, chiefly from the Fairbanks district. Town after town was built Diamond City, Glacier City, Bearpaw City, Roosevelt, McKinley City all with elaborate saloons and gambling-places, one, at least, equipped with electric lights. But next summer the boom burst and all the thousands streamed out.

To any one acquainted with the German gambling-places it is enough to say, that the Papal lottery-system is exactly like that of a roulette table, with the one important exception, that the chances in the bank's favour, instead of being about thirty-seven to thirty-six, as they are at Baden or Hamburgh, are in the proportion of three to one.

I've lived a queer life; I've seen women like Laure in fact, I was raised among them and nothing they do surprises me very much. But I've learned a good many lessons around saloons and gambling-places. One is this: never cheat. Father taught me that. He gave everybody a square deal, including himself. It's a good thing to think about a square deal all around, even to yourself."

At home they had reputations, and perhaps families to consider; but once plunged into the whirlpool of the Tenderloin, they were hidden from all the world. They came with their pockets full of money; and hotels and restaurants, gambling-places and pool-rooms and brothels all were lying in wait for them!

We're not welcome in the gambling-places any more. Last night I was not allowed to sit in the game at Belcher's." "You think Cleve has squealed?" queried Kells. "Yes." "I'll bet you every ounce of dust I've got that you're wrong," declared Kells. "A straight, square bet against anything you want to put up!" Kells's ringing voice was nothing if not convincing.