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Exceptional circumstances some extraordinary need, wish, passion or shock are required to produce what M. Hachet-Souplet calls "the psychic flash" which suddenly thaws and galvanizes its brain, placing it for a minute in the waking state in which the human brain works normally. Nor is this surprising.

Now he plants himself before a bench of misses. You can hear the low rumble of his exhortation and the tittering replies. After a persevering course of entreaty and persuasion, a set is drafted, the music galvanizes, and the dance begins. I like to see people do with their might whatsoever their hands or their tongues or their feet find to do.

"At this very hour in Berlin, everyone is accepting war, everyone is believing that victory is sure, while HERE! . . . I do not say that the French are afraid; they have a brave past that galvanizes them at certain times but they are so depressed that it is easy to guess that they will make almost any sacrifices in order to evade what is coming upon them.

When I'm with her, she galvanizes me into a sort of belief that I can accomplish the thing she wants, but when I go off alone and try to do it...." He blinked and shook his head. "It has been a first-class nightmare, for a fact, this last week." But Mary demanded again. "Why do you let her?" "I made a good resolution a while ago," he said. "It was it was the night she sang those Whitman songs.

"Or, as you are a Corsican, that you had been unable to resist the desire of making a 'stiff, as you call it." "Yes, my good master," cried Bertuccio, casting himself at the count's feet, "it was simply vengeance nothing else." "I understand that, but I do not understand what it is that galvanizes you in this manner."

God is not found in a theological seminary, for very seldom is the seminary seminal it galvanizes the dead rather than vitalizes the germs of thought in the living. No man understands theology it is not intended to be understood; it is merely believed. Most colleges are places where is taught the gentle art of sophistication; and memorizing the theories of great men gone passes for knowledge.

Miss Hepzibah, by secluding herself from society, has lost all true relation with it, and is, in fact, dead; although she galvanizes herself into a semblance of life, and stands behind her counter, afflicting the world with a greatly-to-be-deprecated scowl. Your poor cousin Clifford is another dead and long-buried person, on whom the governor and council have wrought a necromantic miracle.

But they don't mean to have them. They mean to be self-governing in their spiritual lives. And this intention is the half-perceived current which runs through our age and galvanizes so many queer revolts. It would be interesting to trace out the forms it has taken, the abortive cults it has tried and abandoned. In another connection I pointed to autonomy as the hope of syndicalism.

A demand backed by reason will usually find him inert; a demand backed by votes galvanizes him into nervous attention. When, therefore, it was apparent that there was a labor vote, even though a small one, the demands of this vote were not to be ignored, especially in States where the parties were well balanced and the scale was tipped by a few hundred votes.

"Why, what's the matter with Pin-and-Needle?" asked Eudoxia. "It's at death's door. It's gasping. Unless something is injected, unless somebody galvanizes it " "Ah!" cried Eudoxia; "so that's why Orlando Gibbons gave the McNulty dinner! Oh, things must hold off a few days longer! Make them, Palmer!