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He intended to deceive her by passing for me. Good; I will deceive his allies by passing for himself. But first I must find Spiridion." He had too much respect for his enemy, as you will observe if I have made anything of Galors. Galors was no refiner, not subtle; he was direct. When he had to think he held his tongue, so that you should believe him profound.

For your present joy has given me the most wondrous news that ever I had in the world." "But the letter of Galors, was it not from you?" she cried out. "I know nothing of letters from Galors, Countess. When I write it is in my own name." "There is mystery here. He wrote me of my daughter, that he would bring her ah, and take her again. She has come as he said. But where is Galors?"

And have you killed that sick wolf Galors, Messire? There, there, God will bless you for that, and prosper you as you have prospered us!" Galors swallowed the pill and went out with no more ceremony. Falve ran after him. "Eh, eh, Messire!" he spluttered. Galors let him splutter till they were within the courtyard. Then he called to a trooper. "Take this man and flog him well," said he.

She came back after another journey to feed her lover, and afterwards stood as near to him as she dared. Galors, the alien, looked ever at the ground. "Galors," said Prosper presently, "how do you find my harness?" "It has served me its turn," he answered.

There shall be, indeed, that which the Countess believes to have been already-a sally at dawn and a flitting. There will then be no harm done. He added "You are in my obedience, Galors. I love you much, and will see to your advancement. You have a great future. But, my brother, remember this. Between a woman's heart and her conscience there can be no fight.

He went on his knees, unbound her two hands and held them, trying to win his way by protestations of love and desire. She looked down at him sadly, but very gently, denying him against all her love. The fool went on, set on his own way. At last she said "Lord, such love as thou hast for me Galors hath also. And shall I let my looks undo me with thee, and thee with me?

Though he would not look behind him he heard the plash of the ford, heard also Prosper's low, "Steady, mare, hold up!" Prosper was over; Galors halfway up the hill. It would be soon. The black and white gained hand over hand; the red and green felt him come. The soul of Isoult hovered between them. Black and white drew level; red and green held on.

Difficult treading! But so the habits of a lifetime for once chimed in with its professions. Even as he stood pitying he roughed out another set of shifts. Prosper and his unconsummated marriage might be set aside the fool, he thought with a chuckle, deserved it. There remained Galors. He would get the girl married to a mesne of the abbey, or stay! he would marry her elsewhere and get a dowry.

Galors turned to Isoult where she froze rigid in her throne, severed the chain at a blow, and went to take her. Some sudden thought struck him; he turned her quickly round to the light and without ceremony fumbled at her neck. She grew sick to feel him touch her. "The Abbot hath it." Her lips formed the words. Galors went back to the dead priest and pulled off chain and locket.

They fenced almost idly at first; it was cut and parry formalism. Galors was very steady; Prosper, breathing tightly through his nose, very wary. Gradually, however, they warmed to it. Galors got a cut in the upper arm, and began making ugly rushes, blundering, uncalculated bustles, which could only end one way.