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The major eyed his victim with calculating coolness, gaging just how much more of the baiting he would stand. He was disappointed to see that the train of explosives he had laid failed to take fire. "Well, he's being handed out a choice bunch of Mason-Dixon attentions. They are giving him the cheer-up all day long. When I left, Mrs. Shelby was up there talking to him, and Mrs.

I have met on the same afternoon the international world-regenerators, smiling, self-complacent, or preoccupied, flitting by in their motors to the Quai d'Orsay, and also quiet, determined-looking men, trudging along in the snow and slush, wending their way toward their labor conventicles, where they, too, were drafting laws for a new and strange era, and I voluntarily fell to gaging the distance that sundered the two movements, and asked myself which of the inchoate legislations would ultimately be accepted by the world.

That was not enough, but still gaging him with their tape they withheld justice from him, after he displayed his worth in meeting the impending crisis. When on the heels of the call for 300,000 men in 1863, came in spring, 1864, another for 500,000, to fortify General Grant in his finishing maneuvers, a murmur was heard. Chicago, gallantly having done her part, thought it was pumping at a void.

She had lost many of her family, and was able to comfort from gaging the affectionate father's grief. She led him to pray in his double racking of bad war news and the domestic distress. On next seeing him and that he was less grieved, for news of the Fort Donaldson surrender to General Grant arrived in the meantime, she hastened to say: "There is nothing like prayer, Mr. President!"

Madeline remembered that despite Stillwell's simplicity he was as deep as any of his cowboys, and there was absolutely no gaging him where possibilities of fun were concerned. Madeline fancied that his exaggerated talk about the cowboys' sudden craze for golf was in line with certain other remarkable tales that had lately emanated from him.

The habit of estimating himself and his own qualities without fear or favor gives him great facility for gaging the motives of other people. He thus avoids the pitfalls that a biased viewpoint spreads before the feet of the foolish, and at the same time represses that feeling of vanity which might lead him to believe that he is altogether too clever to fall into them.

You know it's silly to stand and wave your friends out of sight for a long distance when they're always in view, but if the view is interrupted two or three times it relieves the monotony." They followed the stream down to the road, at every step gaging with the eye the height of the lake and judging the altered scenic view from the level of the water.

Here in America we have discovered by more than a century of experience that democracy levels up and not down; and that it is not jealous of a commanding personality even in public life, revealing a swift shrewdness of its own in gaging character, and showing both respect and regard for the independent leaders strong enough to withstand what may seem at the moment to be the popular will.

The boat beneath them gave a bound and in a few minutes they were far out on the waters of the bay. "They're coming!" he whispered eagerly, as he saw Mr. Grey looking anxiously back. "How much farther shall I go?" "Just within hailing distance of the launch," was Mr. Grey's reply. Sweetwater, gaging the distance with a glance, stopped at the proper point and rested on his oars.

Not so long as all this they gazed at each other, measured, took ground, gaging each the adversary opposite. "Do not go!" he almost commanded. She was half way to the door. "Why not, sir?" She wheeled on him fiercely. "Because, at least, you would not be so cruel " "I thank you, but I am leaving the boat at the first opportunity.