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The well-dressed shopkeepers, both Gachupinos and Criollos, both met and women, looked on with indifference, or with no other feeling than that of morbid curiosity. Such an indifference to suffering is by no means a characteristic of the New Mexican people I should rather say of the females of that land for the men are brutal enough. As regards the former, the very opposite character is theirs.

They were treated by the Gachupinos with contempt and insult. Hence for long long years before the great revolutions of Spanish America, a strong feeling of dislike existed between Creole Spaniards and Spaniards of Old Spain; and this feeling was quite independent of that which either had towards the Indians the aborigines of America.

What if he fall in with a hostile tribe?" "Never fear, nina! Worse enemies than Indians has Carlos worse enemies nearer home cowardly slaves! they hate us both Gachupinos and Criollos hate us Spanish dogs! they hate our Saxon blood!" "Oh, mother, say not so! They are not all our enemies. We have some friends." Rosita was thinking of Don Juan. "Few few and far between!

The power of life and death was in their hands, and in many instances they used it in the most unjust and arbitrary manner. They were themselves, of course, natives of Old Spain often the pampered favourites of that corrupt court. They were treated by the Gachupinos with contempt and insult.