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I was so much pleased to find the young fellow settled in life, and pushing about one of "them little articles" he seemed to want so much, that I took my "punishment" at the hands of the infant pugilist with great equanimity. And how is the old boarding-house? I asked. A 1, he answered. Painted and papered as good as new. Gabs in all the rooms up to the sky-parlors.

The sight and scent of such a land of plenty almost wholly overcame the drooping spirits of Caleb. "The devil's in the peddling tub-coopering carl!" muttered Caleb, in all the envy of astonishment; "it's a shame to see the like o' them gusting their gabs at sic a rate. But if some o' that gude cheer does not find its way to Wolf's Crag this night, my name is not Caleb Balderstone."

The lucky advent of the Archangel Gabriel, with a grin on his face and a doll in his mouth the Archangel Gabriel, commonly known as Gabs, and so termed on account of his archi-angelic disposition, a hideous mongrel with a white patch over one eye and a brown patch over the other, with the nose of a collie and the legs of a Great Dane and the tail of a fox-terrier, whose mongreldom, however, Adrian repudiated by the bold assertion that he was a Zanzibar bloodhound the lucky advent of this pampered and over-affectionate quadruped directed Susan's mind from the somewhat difficult conversation.

I reminded them that they were speaking of Mr. Dishart. "We was saying," began the post briskly, "that " "It was me that was saying it," said Waster Lunny. "So, dominie " "Haud your gabs, baith o' you," interrupted Elspeth, "You've been roaring the story to ane another till you're hoarse." "In the forenoon," Waster Lunny went on determinedly, "Mr. Dishart preached on the riot, and fine he was.

An honest dram's afore a' the simperin' Judies that ever held up their gabs to be kissed!" and filling another round, they drank, and roared, and cried their appreciation. The fun waxed fast and furious, as song after song was sung, which sometimes were capped by a rough story or a questionable joke from someone in the company.

I was so much pleased to find the young fellow settled in life, and pushing about one of "them little articles" he had seemed to want so much, that I took my "punishment" at the hands of the infant pugilist with great equanimity. And how is the old boarding-house? I asked. A 1, he answered. Painted and papered as good as new. Gabs in all the rooms up to the skyparlors.

I was so much pleased to find the young fellow settled in life, and pushing about one of "them little articles" he had seemed to want so much, that I took my "punishment" at the hands of the infant pugilist with great equanimity. And how is the old boarding-house? I asked. A 1, he answered. Painted and papered as good as new. Gabs in all the rooms up to the skyparlors.

"Why, y' see, Gaffer," began the smith, almost apologetically it seemed to me, "it do come sort o' nat'ral to heave the likes o' Job about a bit Job's made for it, y' might say, but this chap 's different." "So 'e be, Jarge so 'e be!" nodded the Ancient. "Though, mark me, Gaffer, I aren't nohow in love wi' this chap neither 'e gabs too much to suit me, by a long sight!"

If there was a board which would not run into the right groove with the others, though never so little, he would take out a whole row of them and plane them all round again and again. Now, one night, just before Christmas, he had finished all but the uppermost planking and the gabs. He was working so hard to finish up that he took no count of time.

"And now, my mates," said the Abbot of Unreason, "once again dight your gabs and be hushed-let us see if the Cock of Kennaquhair will fight or flee the pit." There was again a dead silence of expectation, of which Father Ambrose availed himself to address his antagonist, seeing plainly that he could gain an audience on no other terms.