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The mother saw it; and, one night, when his fixed tender gaze rested on her, she raised her spiritual eyes to his, and said, "Dear Gotleib! thou wilt yet have the good God to love." "Ah, mother! mother!" cried the boy, "wilt thou, too, leave me?" His head was bowed upon her knees in bitter grief, the desolation of earth was spread like an impenetrable pall over his whole future.

I've always lived among them, and in future, if anybody who's a friend of mine gives me a child to put out to nurse, I shall say: 'We won't take the little one to La Couillard, for it would be tempting Providence. But after all, I'm an honest woman, and I wash my hands of it, for if I do take the cherubs over yonder I don't nurse them. And when one's conscience is at ease one can sleep quietly."

Above all, and at whatever sacrifice, begin your allotment by devoting two hours at the least in each day to active bodily exercise, and give one of these to the early morning, and the other to the evening. So with your meals. First consult health, without which your studies will be unproductive, and your hopes of future success blighted.

It is the philosopher alone who can conceive the grandeur of Manchester, and the immensity of its future. There are yet great truths to tell, if we had either the courage to announce or the temper to receive them. A feeling of melancholy, even of uneasiness, attends our first entrance into a great town, especially at night.

"Do you think that matters, sir?" said Toby. Saltash raised his glass. "You won't always be a boy of sixteen, you know, Toby," he said lightly. "We've got to think of the future whether we want to or not." "I don't see why, sir," said Toby. "You see, you're young," said Saltash, and drank with the air of one who drinks a toast. Suddenly he turned in his chair, the glass still in his hand.

Rather, a sort of ascetic and mystical note made itself heard in all he said of the future, a note that before now had fascinated and controlled a woman whose ambition was always strangely tempered with high, poetical imagination. Yet, ambitious she was, and her mind inevitably supplied what his voice left unsaid. "He will have to fill his place whether he wishes it or no," she said to herself.

He was the discoverer and declarer of the perennial beneath the deciduous. His were the epea pteroenta, the true "winged words" that could fly down the unexplored future and carry the names of ancestral heroes, of the brave and wise and good. It was thus that the poet could reward virtue, and, by and by, as society grew more complex, could burn in the brand of shame.

But that night, and with my sense of illness just then, I saw myself it seemed to me quite in the near future grown old and ugly, a forgotten failure, without any of those memories which console people who have been great when they must give up. I felt myself struggling against such a weight of ignorance, of bad habits, of unfavourable surroundings.

Japan now stands out prominently among the nations, her political future appears to be secure, and it is none the less secure because of the difficulties she has encountered and overcome in attaining her present position.

Persons who have been puzzled to know how many of the young fellows get their living who are seen about town, always well dressed, and with plenty of cash, and yet having no apparently respectable means of living, will find a future solution of their questions in this explanation.