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Now when the Judges were come, and the maiden was brought in and set over against them on the right hand, and the learned Doctor took his stand on the left, Deodonato prayed the Judges that they would perpend carefully and anxiously of the question using all lore, research, wisdom, discretion, and justice whether Dr. Fusbius had proposed marriage unto the maiden or no.

Fusbius; while another part would have it that in all things the spirit and mind of the utterer must be regarded, and that it sorted not with the years, virtues, learning, and position of the said most learned Doctor to suppose that he had spoken such words and sealed the same with a kiss, save under the firm impression, thought, and conviction that he was offering his hand in marriage; which said impression, thought, and conviction were fully and reasonably declared and evident in his actions, manner, bearing, air, and conduct.

Then Deodonato turned, and he pressed with his hand on the silver bell, and straightway the Hall was filled with the Councillors, the Judges, and the halberdiers, attentive to hear the will of Deodonato and the fate of the damsel. And the small eyes of Fusbius glowed and the calm eyes of the President smiled.

Henceforth let men and maidens in my Duchy marry or not marry as they will, and God give them joy of it." And all, save Fusbius, cried "Amen!" But Fusbius cried: "Your Highness, it is demonstrated beyond cavil; ay, to the satisfaction of your Highness " "This is very tedious," said Deodonato. "Let him speak no more!"

"Well named!" said Deodonato softly, and he went to the damsel, and he laid his hand, full gently, on her robe, and he said: "Dulcissima, you have the prettiest face in all the Duchy, and I will have no wife but you;" and Duke Deodonato kissed the damsel. The damsel forbore to strike Duke Deodonato, as she had struck Dr. Fusbius.

Her robe was disheveled and rent, her golden hair hung loose on her shoulders, and her eyes were full of tears. "At whose suit is she arrested?" asked Deodonato. "At the suit of the most learned Dr. Fusbius, may it please your Highness." "Sir," said Dr. Fusbius, "it is true. This lady, grossly contemning your Highness' decree, has refused my hand in marriage."

Henceforth let men and maidens in my Duchy marry or not marry as they will, and God give them joy of it." And all, save Fusbius, cried "Amen." But Fusbius cried, "Your Highness, it is demonstrated beyond cavil, ay, to the satisfaction of your Highness " "This is very tedious," said Deodonato. "Let him speak no more."

Hence I, in obedience to your Highness' commands, pronounce and declare that this damsel is lawfully and irrevocably bound and affianced to the learned Dr. Fusbius, unless and until it shall please your Highness yourself to demand her hand in marriage. May what I have spoken please your Highness!" And the President sat down.

Fusbius. "Nay," corrected the President, "they have seen his Highness' person as his Highness has ridden through the city." Duke Deodonato threw down his pen. "This is very tiresome," said he, knitting his brows. "My lord, I would be further advised on this matter. Return at the same hour to-morrow."

Hence I, in obedience to Your Highness's commands, pronounce and declare that this damsel is lawfully and irrevocably bound and affianced to the learned Dr. Fusbius, unless and until it shall please Your Highness yourself to demand her hand in marriage. May what I have spoken please Your Highness." And the President sat down.