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"Stood 'long side o' Miss May, fus thing I hear war Jerry sayin' weak-like an' way down in de well: 'Don't you cry, Mas' Will! Hol' on to my neck, Mas' Will! Hol' tight, Mas' Will! I kin hol' you up. Don't you be feerd Mas' Will, I kin hol' you up! Don't you be feerd Mas' Will; I kin hol' you up! "Ole Mas' lean over de well an' look in.

"Why, Pomp!" I exclaimed; "what have you been doing?" "Cut off um head, Mass' George. He no like dat." Pomp broke out with one of his laughs, hooked hold of the grinning head, and dragged it out of the mud up to the side of a clear pool, a little way back in the swamp. "Stop a bit," I said; "I want to have a good look at it." "Wait till I wash um, Mass' George. No; must wash umself fus.

"Will it bear our weight, lad?" asked the sailor doubtfully. "It leads to nothing that I can see," said the young doctor, "and would only ensure our being dashed to pieces instead of speared." "Nebber fear, massa Breezy. Dis not de fus' time I's hoed troo de forests. If you stop here you die. James Gingah he go on an' lib."

Mais il revint, et nous fimes encore une bonne etape de vie intellectuelle, morale et philosophique. Je crois qu'il me rendait deja tout ce que j'eprouvais de sympathie et d'estime, et que je ne fus pas pour rien dans son retour a Paris. Chose singuliere! nous nous etions attaches l'un a l'autre par les sous-entendus bien plus que par la matiere de nos conversations.

De 'possum he ain't got no time ter climb a tree an' git out on de leetlest end ob a long limb, an' so he lay hese'f flat down on de groun' an' make b'lieve he's dead. When de ole bar came up he sot down an' look at de 'possum. Fus' he turn his head on one side an' den he turn his head on de udder, but he look at de 'possum all de time.

Dey keep on talkin', dey did, twel bimeby dey gotter 'sputin' 'bout w'ich wuz de swif'es'. Brer Rabbit, he say he kin outrun Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Tarrypin, he des vow dat he kin outrun Brer Rabbit. Up en down dey had it, twel fus news you know Brer Tarrypin say he got a fifty-dollar bill in de chink er de chimbly at home, en dat bill done tole 'im dat he could beat Brer Rabbit in a fa'r race.

Je fus saisi d'un des plus vifs mouvements de joie que j'ai éprouvé en ma vie. Le lecteur pensera peut-être que je suis cruel, mais tel j'étais

"I does trus' on Him fur as enny sense in doin' uv it; but ef I go to enny my foolishness, fus' thing I know de Lord gwine leave me to take keer uv myse'f, preacher or no preacher same as ef He was ter say, 'Dat's all right, cap'n: ef you gwine to boss dis job, boss it; an' den whar I be? Mas' Ned tole you to go: go on, an' lemme 'lone."

There is a lady in the bedroom, by whom Mr. Maxwell sets his life do you hear? sets his life. She has fainted, and you must take care of her," and De Guy slipped a half-eagle into the negress' hands. "Dat alters de case," said the black lady, eying the money with much satisfaction. "Massa Maxwell's a sly dog. I take good care ob de lady not de fus time, nuder."

"Yer can go 'long." Aunt Matilda put her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands, and looked into the fire. Gregory and every one else waited quite a while for her to begin. "Ye had better put de number ob de year fus," suggested Uncle Braddock. "Well, ye kin put dat," said Aunt Matilda, "while I'm a-workin' out de letter in my mind."