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"My 'pinion 'bout dat, Boss, dat some nigger stole a watermillion frum sum farmer's patch, an' wen he got here he busted it gin a tree. Sum ob de seed fell on de ground an' de watermillion gru dar." "That is very probable. What did Mr. Busby do with it?" "He karid it home, planted sum ob de seed and his million weighed ober fifty pounds.

"F'r brox brickybac!" insinuated Cassidy. "Thanks!" said Bean, accepting the tool. "We kem frum th' sem county, Mayo, him an' me," volunteered Cassidy. "G'night!" Once more Bean faced the crate. It must be done at once. Discovery was too probable. Gingerly he forced the blade under one of the boards and pried. The nails screeched horribly as they were withdrawn.

We didn' had no body to buil' a house fur us, cose pa was gone and ma jes had us gals and we cut de saplin's fer de man who would buil' de house fer us. We live on Bailey's place a long time and fin'lly buil' us a log cabin and den we went frum dis cabin to Gadsden County to a place name Concord and dere I stay tel I come here 'fore de fiah."

So long ez I live, she says, 'dey ain't never to heah it frum my lips an' you must both gimme yore word dat dey don't never heah it frum yourn. W'en I dies, an' not befo' den, dey may know de truth. De day dey lays me in de coffin you kin tell 'em both de secret but not befo'! she says. "So you see, child, we were under a pledge, and till to-day I've kept that pledge.

Sech things have happened, a plenty times before now ez you yourself doubtless know full well. But I don't botch it up. I ain't braggin' none whilst I'm sayin' this to you; I'm jest tellin' you. I kin take an oath that I ain't never botched up one of these jobs yit, not frum the very fust. The warden or Dr.

"Veil, vat's vanted? Vos anyding wrong?" "No, not aboard here," returned Fairfax, a bit puzzled at the reply, "We ran down to see if you were in any trouble. This is a strange place to anchor. What are you Dutch?" The fellow waved his hands in a gesture indicating disgust. "Dat's eet. Ve're out ov Rotterdam you see ze name ov ze sheep. But ve not sail frum thar dis time no.

"'Herman Slosser, Otterway, Illinoy ter be held till called fer. Thet's it, Cap; thet's his name, I'll bet ye; an' so we can't be so blamed fur frum this yere Otterway fort. Good Lord! won't I be glad fer ter see it." "Do you think it best to stop here?" "Why not? 'Tain't likely them devils will be back agin.

Allen went to the watering-trough and, filling his cup, called out: "Here, you fellows, do you want a drink of the greatest ale in the world? It's the purest of Mother Nature's brews." The old pine door squeaked on its rusty hinges as it slowly opened. "Well, sir, I'll be dummed. Howdy, young 'uns! Whar d' ye hail frum? Huntin' bar, er jist a roundin' up a bunch o' jay-birds? Haw, haw, haw!

D'ye know, that night I cud hear th' aisiest whisper frum her lips I cud that. She groped fur m' han; 'Jamie, says she, 'it's nearly over, dear. "'God love ye, says I. "'Aye, says she, 'if He'll jist love me as ye've done it'll be fine. Knowin' what a rough maan I'd been, I cudn't thole it. "'Th' road's been gey rocky an' we've made many mistakes.

Women folks goes a good many places where they hain't got no business. Ain't a runnin' away from yo' old man, air you?" "No, I'm goin' to him." "Huh, he run away frum you. Is that it?" "No, they tuck him away. Air you goin' to let me ride?" "Tuck him away for what?" "They have accused him of makin' wild-cat licker." "Here, give me yo' hand an' I'll help you up.