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This tower cost $425; but it was not all extravagance, because a third of the expense would have been incurred in protecting the engine and making the tank frost-proof. To distribute the water, I had three lines of four-inch pipe leading from the tank's out-flow pipe.

A well-managed plant produces as many as half-a-dozen of these flowers together, which open out widely under the influence of bright sunlight. It is one of the hardiest of the genus, thriving well in a frost-proof house or frame. During winter, the atmosphere surrounding it should be as dry as possible; but in summer it likes plenty of moisture, and exposure to full sunshine.

It is a refrigerator in summer and a frost-proof envelope in winter, and a fountain of delights the year round. Trout come up from the Weebutook River and dwell there and become domesticated, and take lumps of butter from your hand, or rake the ends of your fingers if you tempt them. It is a kind of sparkling and ever-washed larder.

It was Cæsar who at length broke up the pleasant drifting interlude and he did it as deliberately as he did everything else, urged by his haunting desire to see Christopher finally committed to the future he had chosen. "Why don't you go and see those road experiments they are trying in Kent?" Aymer asked one day. "Frost-proof roads? They are no good. It was tried in Germany.

Farther still toward the Pole the voice of the Muse gradually dies away upon the sodden atmosphere; and she, having outlasted her successive Southern associates, wine and beer, in turn gives place to brandy pure and simple a beverage itself frost-proof and only suited to frost-proof men.

So it came about that one morning on the way to the hospital I met Emile whistling like a newly arrived robin in spring, his hand on Karlek's shoulder, and on his back a heavy sack of potatoes which he was bringing up to the hospital kitchen from the frost-proof cellar in the cove.

A very expensive item was the carriage by road from Tsarskoe Selo of one hundred specially grown large palm trees in specially constructed frost-proof vans; there was also the heavy cost of the supper and wine, which for the "Bals des Palmiers" was provided on a far more sumptuous scale than at the ordinary Court entertainments and balls. Ichabod! Ichabod!

A door behind opened inward, admitting the two into a small recess from which another door opened into a cellar dug deep into the hill. Undoubtedly this had once been used as a frost-proof storeroom. A small ventilator pipe opened so Nolan told Casey in the middle of a greasewood clump. Nolan lighted a gasoline lantern that shed a white brilliance upon the room.

A stone makes a good roof, a good shield; it is water-proof and fire-proof, and, until the season becomes too rigorous, frost-proof too. The field mouse wants no better place to nest than beneath a large, flat stone, and the bumblebee is entirely satisfied if she can get possession of his old or abandoned quarters.