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So, you see, it appears at the first blush that you must still come to your father; but, you will say, with this difference, that you borrow the capital with every chance of repaying it instead of frittering away the income year after year till you are eight and thirty or forty at least.

Before my eyes arose the picture of Commodus as I had seen him facing the mutineers from Britain before he condemned Perennis: I recalled how often I had heard said of him that he was the noblest born of all our Emperors from the Divine Julius down; that he was the handsomest and the strongest man in any assembly about him, however large; that in his Imperial Regalia he looked more imperial than any man ever had: I contrasted his possession of these qualities with his pitiful squandering of his boundless opportunities, with his frittering away his life on horse-racing, sword-play and such like frivolities.

I consider this dissipation of the affections one of the greatest sins against Heaven, ourselves, and the one trifled with, that can be committed. FRITTERING AWAY AFFECTIONS. Young men commence courting long before they think of marrying, and where they entertain no thoughts of marriage.

As I have said, until this unexpected state of affairs happened, Mobile had been looked upon as the objective point of Sherman's army. It had been a favorite move of mine from 1862, when I first suggested to the then commander-in-chief that the troops in Louisiana, instead of frittering away their time in the trans-Mississippi, should move against Mobile.

'Yes, wasn't it soft, deepening off in clouds and bars, sunsets and storm-clouds, to make stories about? 'Where it was most faded and grimy, said Wilmet. 'It is all affectation not to be glad to have clean walls. 'Clean! cried Edgar, in horror. 'Defend me from the clean! Bare, bald, and frigid, with hard lines breaking up and frittering your background.

And they stood up there, frittering away the time with their singing and their poetry-twaddle! With one leap he stood on the platform. "All these fine words may be very nice," he cried passionately, "but they are very little use to all those who can't live on them!

Already the atmosphere had grown so frigid that ice was forming on the side of the cabin where this spud and foam dashed. Looking out upon the raging waters the boys shivered at the sight, even with scanty light from the heavenly bodies that were part of the time obscured behind masses of black clouds. It was frittering snow, and the prospect of a spell of bad weather looked very promising.

"If I can," I retorted defiantly. "That would be better than fighting cocks and frittering your time away with play actors," said he. "Mr. Toddleham," I returned, "if I will agree to turn over a new leaf and give up my present associates, will you continue my allowance and let me stay on in Cambridge and study law?" "If you will agree to enter my office and study under my supervision yes."

Instead of frittering away his precious time by simply holding Atlanta, or wasting strength unnecessarily by hunting up a baffled and elusive foe, or devoting all his energy to keeping open his long line of communication and supply, he determined to strike a disastrous blow at the Confederacy, swiftly and unexpectedly.

But this frittering away a good instinct and tendency in conventional giving of manufactures made to suit an artificial condition is hardly in the line of developing the spirit that shares the last crust or gives to the thirsty companion in the desert the first pull at the canteen.