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Their own habits were frightfully unhealthy; they were not a long- lived people, and there was often great mortality among them, and though they were grieved at the loss of their sons, they never seemed distrustful or ungrateful.

I often wish the days were thirty hours long." "You weren't wishing that when I came," Prudence said, with a little laugh. "I don't know about Dick; you can't bring him unless he wants to come of his own accord, I mean." Mollie pondered a little, and then sighed again: "It will be rather hard. He doesn't want anything frightfully except football, and there isn't any just now.

At last he got up and went to the door. "Well," he said, "I think I'll just run up and have a look at the kid." "Poor dear," said Estelle, "I'm frightfully sorry for you, of course, though I don't believe it's at all painful and by the way, Winn, don't forget that consumption is infectious." He stopped short as if someone had struck him.

He looked at her, not knowing what to say, what to do. She began to cry out again: "Oh, oh, it is killing me. Oh, Benoist!" She writhed frightfully. Benoist was suddenly seized with a frantic longing to help her, to quiet her, to remove her pain.

They smoked and drank; it was a painful sight. Sometimes the man in the fez, hardly able to hold himself upright, would bring them home frightfully sick. And yet Jansoulet was fond of them, the youngest especially, who, with his long hair, his doll-like manner, recalled to him the little Afchin passing in her carriage.

"And yet he seems cheerful enough, and looks happy. But to think of having to creep round on stilts or pull himself about on this contrivance! I mustn't forget to call on him; I dare say he hasn't many friends. He seems a nice chap, too; and he'd be frightfully good-looking if he wasn't so white."

Mad. is the daughter of a high official in the French military service and she only took her teacher's degree in order to get free from her Mother's "tyranny;" she nagged at her frightfully and until she began to give lessons she was never allowed to go out alone. Dora says she is very refined in her speech, especially when she is talking about these things.

The Buddhist saint has a sleek and harmonious body, but his eyes are heavy and sealed with sleep. The medieval saint's body is wasted to crazy bones, but his eyes are frightfully alive. There cannot be any real community of spirit between forces that produced symbols so different as that.

Who was I, anyway, to know more about the sea and its ways than a properly qualified captain? was what was in their minds, I knew. Of course, the sea rose with the wind frightfully; and I shall never forget the first three seas the Petite Jeanne shipped. She had fallen off, as vessels do at times when hove to, and the first sea made a clean breach.

As soon as she had gone Dora and I rushed to Father and said: "Please Father, don't be so frightfully angry; there's no reason why you should." And Father was awfully sweet and said: "I know quite well that I can trust you; you are my Berta's children."