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Only the stare in his eyes changed to a glare as her hand moved over his shoulder. He looked down into her eyes. She became pale, rather frightened-looking, and she turned her face away, and it was drawn slightly with love and fear and misery. She tried again to put off his coat, her thin wrists pulling at it. He stood solidly planted, and did not look at her, but stared straight in front.

As they did so, the child uttered a cry of joy, sprang to the water-oak, and caught up a frightened-looking little black and white kitten that was cautiously descending the big trunk backward. To this day the outcome of that 'coon hunt remains a sealed mystery to poor Solon, while Bim has never been invited to go on another.

"I came to look after you and your nerves, Isabella," she reminded me; "and how could I possibly know I shouldn't like the sea in November till I had seen it?" We had ordered tea to be ready for us, and after our long railway journey we were more than ready for the meal. "The woman of the house is a most miserable, frightened-looking creature," Julia remarked.

Maybright taught the girls herself, and the boys had a rather frightened-looking nursery-governess, who often was seen to rush from the school-room dissolved in tears; but was generally overtaken half-way up the avenue by two small figures, nearly throttled by two pairs of repentant little arms, while eager lips vowed, declared, and vociferated, that they would never, never be naughty again that they would never tease their own sweet, sweetest of Miss Wilsons any more.

Is not such a theory of the crime that Sir Horace was shot while trying to capture the prisoner more probable than the theory of the defence that Hill, the weak-willed, frightened-looking man you saw in the witness-box, was a masterful, cunning criminal who for some inexplicable reason had turned ferociously on the master who had befriended him and given him a fresh start in life, had killed him and left the body in the house, and had then managed to direct suspicion to the prisoner?

Before Nina could resist, she found herself being conducted between mother and son through the numerous rooms which terminated finally in the gallery. Unlike most of the collections of Italy, this included many modern canvases. Before the portrait of a thin, heavy-boned, frightened-looking English girl, the duke assumed a deeply sentimental air, sighing as though out of breath.

Before he had gotten further, his assailant was pounding and shaking a frightened-looking slave-lad who had stood at his elbow. "The gods blast you, you worthless nomenclator! You have forgotten the worthy gentleman's name, and have made me play the fool! You may have lost me votes! All Rome will hear of this! I shall be a common laughing-stock! Hei! vah! But I'll teach you to behave!"

There sat a shabbily dressed woman, with anxious, frightened-looking face, the seat full of bundles and a pale-faced baby in arms. "Tickets, please." The woman's face flushed red, and then grew white and set, as she said, "I haven't any." "Have to get off then; save me the trouble of putting you off."

On my left was a racing motor-cyclist. We waited for hours. Frightened-looking men were sworn in and one phenomenally grave small boy. Later I should have said that a really fine stamp of man was enlisting. Then they seemed to me a shabby crew. At last we were sent downstairs, and told to strip and array ourselves in moderately dirty blue dressing-gowns.

"That poor, thin, frightened-looking governess 'Cartery love, as they call her?" "Yes, 'Cartery love, or anything else you like to name her. I took a fancy to her, and thought her awfully nice. I may see more of her; there's no saying." "You are so odd, Rosamund so different from the other girls!" "Mother told me that before, but somehow I never believed it.