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Well, Sir, since you will force it on him, my Cashier shall draw the Writings. Guil. Fran. Francisco. Guil. Ant. No, you will deserve it dearly, who have the plague of such a Wife with it; but harkye, Count these goods of Fortune are not to be afforded you, without Conditions. Guil. Shaw, Conditions, any Conditions, noble Antonio. Ant.

After Fran had gone to bed, it occurred to Soames that he hadn't heard the news of the world for four days. On the run, as he and Fran had been, they hadn't seen a newspaper or heard a news broadcast. Now Soames turned on the small radio that went with the fishing cottage, to give advance information on the weather. News came on immediately. It was all bad.

Well, Sir, pray answer me one question, what drew you to Cadiz? Fran.

"And yet, since you're the queen and I'm the king, it must be each other's hearts " He stopped abruptly at sight of her crimsoned cheeks. "That doesn't always follow," Fran told him hastily; "not by any means. For here are other queens. See the Queen of Spades? Maybe you'll get her. Maybe you want her. You see, she either goes to you, or to the next card."

Fran Lamperi had watched for him, and hastily announced that his litter had already passed the Reichart pottery.

If anything could have prejudiced Hamilton Gregory against Fran's interests it would have been her slighting allusion to the one who typified his most exalted ideals as "that woman". But Fran was to him nothing but an agent bringing out of the past a secret he had preserved for almost twenty years.

"Why doesn't a father who's always talking about religion, and singing about it, and praying about it why doesn't that father draw his daughter to his breast...close, close to his heart that's the only home she asks for that's the home she has a right to, yes a right, I don't care how far she's wandered " "Fran!" cried Abbott, in great distress. "Don't cry, little one!"

Faith, Madam, I hope to live to see a more comical end of your Amours but see where your amiable Spouse comes with Don Baltazer your Father. Enter Francisco and Baltazer. Fran. So you two are damnable close together, 'tis for no goodness I'll warrant, you have your trade betimes. Jac. Meaning me, Sir? Fran.

He, little dreaming that he was confronted by a shadow from the past, saw in her only the girl who had been publicly expelled from the tent. The choir-leader had expected his home-coming to be crowned by a vision very different. He came up the walk slowly, not knowing what to say. She waited, outwardly calm, inwardly gathering power. White-hot action from Fran, when the iron was to be welded.

Something? what thing? have I not provided you a Husband whom you are to marry within a day or two. Isa. There's a Husband indeed, pray keep him to your self, if you please; I'll marry none of him, I'll see him hanged first. Fran. Hey day; what, is he not young and handsome enough, forsooth? Isa.