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"Still," she temporized, "we can't get along without watches, Abbott." "No, nor schools, nor churches. But they must have good works. Is Fran down at the fair, do you think?" The other bent toward him stealthily. "Ask where Mrs. Gregory is," she said, wonderfully significant. "Well?" "Abbott, listen: she's gone a-visiting!" "Visiting!" Abbott was surprised.

Fran looked at her father inscrutably. "I believe, after this," she said, "it will be safe to leave you two together." Fran had expected Robert Clinton's return in four or five days, as had Grace Noir, but secrets that have been buried for many years are not picked up in a day.

I'm going to offer myself as secretary, and with her out of sight, I'm hoping to win the day." "But she's been his secretary for five years is it reasonable he'd give her up? And would it be honorable for you to work against her in that way? Besides, Fran, she is really necessary to Mr. Gregory's great charity enterprises " "The more reason for getting rid of her."

To remember Fran's mother was to bring back not the rapture of a first passion, but the garrish days of disillusionment. He even felt something like resentment because she had remained faithful her search and unending love for him made so much more of his desertion than ever he had made. He could not tell Fran that he had never loved her mother.

With Fiddles, Drums and Trumpets, Westphalia hams and Pidgeons, and the like: Hey, Rogues, Scoundrels, Dogs. Isa. Ah, how fine is every Action of a great Man! Guil. Command a Galley to attend us presently. Fran. Alas, I must stay at home with my Wife, my Lord. Guil. A Wife! have I a Mother-in-law too? she must along with us, and take a frisk, no denial. Enter Carlos. Car.

"I am the most miserable man on earth because for mere caprice, for mere spite, for no earthly good, it is the determination of people who have lost positions and the like, to drive me wild." Robert Clinton thumped the keys of the piano with one hand. "Why, hello, Mr. Bob!" cried Fran, dancing into forgotten comes to nothing, it seems. Good evening, Mrs. Gregory." "But wait! Wait!

"Fran," he said, as if she had appeared in answer to a summons, "I am unhappy about you. Your determination to have nothing to do with the church not only distresses but embarrasses me. You have insisted on coming into my life. Then why do you disgrace it? You pretend that you want to be liked by us, yet you play cards with strangers at night it's outrageous.

Fran gave up flight, and stopped to look at him. A smile slipped from the corner of one eye, to get caught at the corner of her demure mouth. "When you disappeared, you left me yourself. A friend always does. I've had you all the time." Abbott glowed. "Still, it isn't exactly the same as if I had been able to touch your hand. Suppose we shake hands, little friend; what do you say?"

The same; may I not speak with Clara? Jac. Come in, she's here. Car. Jac. I'll see if I can bring her. Enter Francisco. Fran. A proud ungracious Flirt, a Lord with a Pox! here's a fine business, i'faith, that she should be her own Carver, well I'll home, and thunder her together with a vengeance. Car. Enter Julia. Fran. Hum, what have we here, a Woman? Jul. Heavens! what, not gone yet, my Dear?

As he went to the appointment, he was thinking not so much of the culprit Fran, as of Grace what a mouth, what a foot! If all saints were as beautiful as she, religion would surely be the most popular thing on earth.