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They brought them in, and both of them admitted under veridication that Emmert had given them the keys and sent them down there to hide out till after the trial. "They denied that Emmert had originated the frameup. That had been one of Woller's own flashes of genius, but Emmert knew what the score was and went right along with it. They're being brought up here the first thing tomorrow morning."

"Fancy meeting him!" exclaimed Locke, derisively. "It's a frameup, that's what it is, a frameup on me and my prickly heat!" Trask climbed out from behind his paper and stood up, bowing and grinning. "I'm sorry you missed your boat almost," he said. "Oh, shucks!" said Locke, taking his hand and pulling him forward. "I don't give a whoop.

They wouldn't attack a child." "I want to talk to that girl and her father," Brannhard was saying. "And I'm going to demand that they make their statements under veridication. This thing's a frameup, Max; I'd bet my ears on it. Timing's just right; only a week till the trial." Maybe the Fuzzies had wanted the child to play with them, and she'd gotten frightened and hurt one of them.

Holy mackerel, Matt; do you think it was a frameup?" "Certainly I do, but Mike Murphy wasn't in on it. You can bank on that. No piratical foreigner will ever climb up on Mike Murphy's deck except over Mike Murphy's dead body. According to the president emeritus there is more than one kind of Irish, but I'll guarantee Mike Murphy isn't the double-crossing kind." A boy entered with a telegram.

Van Vreck was with me," she said. "Van Vreck! Great Scott, then the raid was a frameup! I see. Boys, let's get along to the house quick." "Wait an instant!" the girl intervened. "Knight, I never had a chance to tell you about the cactus blossoms. I understood. I understand even better now. Mr. Van Vreck has made me understand. That is all I can tell you. Let them help you to the house.