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It was well ventilated, for five panes of glass had suffered compound fractures, which all the surgeons and nurses had failed to heal; the two windows were draped with sheets, the church hospital opposite being a brick and mortar Argus, and the female mind cherishing a prejudice in favor of retiracy during the night-capped periods of existence.

All fractures are serious, and in every instance the practitioner would best be careful to impress his client with the many difficulties which usually attend the treatment of fracture in horses. Tendinitis. Inflammation of the Flexor Tendons.

When complete, transverse fractures permit of separation of the parts of bone. Tension on the straight ligaments below and contraction of the quadriceps above usually cause insuperable difficulty in the handling of this type of fracture in the horse.

It is of trifling depth, being formed by fractures in the rocky bed of the river; but the waters have so cut the rock as to create beautiful forms in the rush which they make in their descent. Strangers are told to look at these falls from the suspension bridge; and it is well that they should do so. But, in so looking at them, they obtain but a very small part of their effect.

Fracture of the Ulna. Etiology and Occurrence. Fractures of the ulna in the horse are not common in spite of the exposed position of the olecranon. This bone when broken, is usually fractured by heavy blows and any form of ulnar fracture is serious because of its function and position in relation to the joint capsule.

As we gaze down through the crystalline mass, occasional fractures play pranks with the objects below. The animate shapes seem to take unto themselves greater bulk; their tails broaden, their bodies become many times longer. For a moment the illusion is perfect; thousands of centuries have slipped back, and we are looking at the giant beavers of old.

First Aid to Animals: A scout must have a general knowledge of the anatomy of domestic and farm animals, and be able to describe treatment and symptoms of the following: Wounds, fractures and sprains, exhaustion, choking, lameness. He must understand shoeing and shoes, and must be able to give a drench for colic.

And now having established a hole in the ceiling of the room in which Hester stands, is it unreasonable even without further evidence to suspect another in the flooring? But we actually have this further evidence. As she rushes to the door she falls, faints, and fractures the lower part of her leg.

Furthermore, the individual bones are not so firm, consisting of an elastic material called cartilage, so that some movements which in an adult would cause such serious injuries as fractures and dislocations are perfectly harmless to a newborn child.

No weight is borne upon the fractured member ordinarily, although during the excitement occasioned by runaways, horses are sometimes seen to support weight with a broken leg even when the protruding bone is sunk into the ground in so doing. Prognosis. Generally speaking, fractures other than the simple-transverse in young animals, are considered unfavorable cases.