United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But, Lord! to see what shifts and what cares and thoughts there was employed in this matter how to do the King's work and please the men and stop clamours would make a man think the King should not eat a bit of good meat till he has got money to pay the men, but I do not see the least print of care or thoughts in him about it at all. Having done here, I out and there met Sir Fr.

Heed ye now, Oi predic' there'll be hell a poppin' on Blood River, an' be this time a year fr' now one o' thim two'll be broke f'r good an' all, an', not to mention no names, it won't be yon stranger."

Here, besides this of Berlin, is another instance just occurring. It appears, the Quedlinburg people, shut out from the light of the actual Royal Countenance, cannot do their Homaging by Deputy, without at least a Portrait of the King and of the Queen: How manage? asks the Official Person. FR." Preuss, ii.

Abbreviations: F of F A The Fields of Fancy, in Lord Abinger's notebook F of F B The Fields of Fancy, in the notebook in the Bodleian Library S-R fr fragments of The Fields of Fancy among the papers of the late Sir John Shelley-Rolls, now in the Bodleian Library In the MS of the journal, however, it is spelled first Matilda, later Mathilda.

"The King coming to towne yesterday it was told me that the Earle of Buck, meant to go himself and fetch 'Lady Elizabeth' as yt were in pomp Fr. Ed. She protested she wold sooner be frends with the Devill." Lady Elizabeth was so much in the King's good graces that aspirants for office tried to win her influence with James and Buckingham in their favour.

His fame has already travelled throughout the Continent, and he is patronised by the princes of several courts of Europe, amongst others Prince Ernest of Cobourg, and noticing the names of several of the English nobility, in a list which he showed me to prove the encouragement he received from my compatriots, I remarked that of a noble lord of sporting notoriety whose shirts were at the price of only 150 fr.

When I approached the Moon, long after parting from the clouds, I was conscious of fatigue, especially in the left or vulture's wing. So I alighted and sat down to rest, having a bird's-eye view of the Earth, like the Homeric Zeus, Surveying now the Thracian horsemen's land, Now Mysia, and again, as the fancy took me, Greece or Persia or India. From all which I drew a manifold delight. Fr.

Crooke, W. Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India. 2 vols. Archibald Constable & Co. Westminster, 1896. Crawley, A.E. Sexual Taboo. Journ. Anthr. Inst., xxiv, 1895. Man, E.H. The Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. Jour. Anthr. Inst., xii, 1882. Crantz, David. History of Greenland. Trans, fr. the German, 2 vols. Longmans, Green. London, 1820.

A. von Ipolyi, "Beiträge zur deutschen Mythologie aus Ungarn," Zeitschrift für deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde, i. pp. 270 sq. The word which I have translated "weeds" is in Esthonian kaste-heinad, in German Thaugras. Apparently it is the name of a special kind of weed. Fr. J.B. Holzmayer, "Osiliana," Verhandlungen der gelehrten Estnischen Gesellschaft zu Dorpat, vii. pp. 62 sq.

It was his duty, he said to himself, to give more than usual time and thought to the working and polishing of this wondrous jewel which had so unexpectedly been intrusted to him for the adorning of his Master's crown; and so long as he conducted with the strictest circumspection of his office, what had he to fear in the way of so delightful a duty? He had never touched her hand; never had even the folds of her passing drapery brushed against his garments of mortification and renunciation; never, even in pastoral benediction, had he dared lay his hand on that beautiful head. It is true, he had not forbidden himself to raise his glance sometimes when he saw her coming in at the church-door and gliding up the aisle with downcast eyes, and thoughts evidently so far above earth, that she seemed, like one of Fr