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And another thing, Mr. Blount, since our time is equally valuable, let's cut out this four-flushing stuff. If I'd wanted your mine so awfully bad I'd have held on to it when the title was mine; but I turned it back to you, just to let you look it over, and to keep the peace for once. But now, if you're satisfied, I might look it over; but it'll be under a bond and lease.

If that is not a great lesson for the young, as well as for the old, then write me down as a soused gurnet. The gentle art of four-flushing was absolutely beyond his ken. He was like those South-Sea Islanders told of by Robert Louis Stevenson, who didn't know enough to lie until after the missionaries came, when they partially overcame the disability. James Oliver didn't know enough to lie.

When they were under way, Runnels went on: "I'm supposed to show you this end of the work and tell you what it all means." "Then please start at the beginning. You see, I probably know less about it than anybody living." "Of course you know the general lay-out?" "I tell you I don't know a thing. There's no use four-flushing." Runnels smiled at this candor.

Lighting it, he puffed slowly, watching while Haydon dropped into the chair he had vacated at Harlan's appearance. When Haydon dropped into his chair he grinned admiringly at Harlan. "You're a cool one, Harlan," he said; "I've got to say that for you. But there's no use in four-flushing. You've come here to tell me something about the chain. Where did you find it?"

He strode into the Express office and grabbed up a sack, which he cut open with a slash of his knife; and then he reached in and took out a great chunk that bulged and gleamed with gold. "Am I four-flushing?" he inquired, and when no one answered he grunted and tied up the hole. There was a silence, and the crowd began to filter away all but Lynch, who stood staring like an Indian.

"Well, I don't know as I'd say he was such a whale of a scholar. I've always had a suspicion he did a good deal of four-flushing about that. He likes to have people think he keeps up his French and Greek and Lord knows what all; and he's always got an old Dago book lying around the sitting-room, but I've got a hunch he reads detective stories 'bout like the rest of us.

It does n't make much difference whether I take you back dead or alive. But I 'm going to take you back." The other man said nothing, but his slight head-movement was one of comprehension. "So I just wanted to say there's no side-stepping, no four-flushing, at this end of the trip!" "I understand," was Binhart's listless response. "I'm glad you do," Blake went on in his dully monotonous voice.

"He picked Charlie to the bone and cut for the States. And this damned crooked luck went right along with him. He was in a big apartment, now, up on Fifth Avenue and four-flushing toward every point of the compass. His last stunt was 'patron of science. He'd gotten into the Geographical Society, and he was laying lines for the Royal Society in London.

"I simply mean that Allie's made me an offer of a hundred and fifty dollars a month to become her ranch-manager," Dinky-Dunk announced with a casualness that was patently forced. "And as I can't wring that much out of this half-section, and as I'd only be four-flushing if I let outsiders come in and take everything away from a tenderfoot, I don't see "

Before night you'll be swinging underneath the big live-oak on the plaza. That's a prophecy for you to swallow, you four-flushing bully." It went home like an arrow. The furtive eyes of the killer slid sideways to question this public which had scattered so promptly to save itself. Would the mob turn on him later and destroy him? Young Beaudry's voice flowed on.