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I'll know that I'm the strongest and could hit her if I had a mind to, and then I shan't want to." David contemplated her gravely for several seconds. "By the time you grow up, Eleanor," he said finally, "you will have developed all your cooperative parents into fine strong characters. Your educational methods are wonderful." "The dog got nearly drownded today in the founting," Eleanor wrote.

Kern had not confided the secret of the protector without a turning of her heart, but now at least the thrill in her rose above that.... She and Mr. V.V.'s beautiful lady, side by side.... It was nearly as good as the velvet settee in the Dream only for the founting, and the boy with the pink lamp on his head, and Mr.

"I wisht I had a red satin dress, and a necklace all pearls, and was going to the party, too, and had a dark sad-faced man with a mustache and a neye-glass engaged to me, like a count. I wisht I was a Lady," said Kern. "You don't need a red satin dress to be a lady." "It'd come easier, kinder, with the dress, Mr. V.V. And I wisht I had a writin'-desk, too. And a founting pen."

And the inside parts of the Desk were running over with delightful things, note-paper and envelopes, and pads and pencils, and new white blotting-paper and true as true, dull black, with the cutest little silver belt a beautiful Founting Pen. Inside also were pigeonholes of the best quality, like in the Netiquette.

Ain't no place nigher'n that. Over to Deer Crossin' there's a man has lemon pop in bottles sometimes, but he ain't got no founting like we saw in the city, nor no ice-cream, neither." Dolly was a picture of woe and disappointment. "Tell yer what, though," said Walter, bashfully.

V.V. did not know that from that day dated her preference for white dresses, as compared with red.... "Settin' on a velvet settee you was," whispered Kern, her hand picking at the sheet, "by a founting, a boy with wings and a pink lamp on his head, pourin' water out of a gool' pitcher. And I went runnin' over to you to ast you must I go or somep'n.

"It is a very little dog about the size of Gwendolyn. It was out with Mademoiselle, and so was I, learning French on a garden seat. It teetered around on the edge of the big wash basin the founting looks like a wash basin, and suddenly it fell in. I waded right in and got it, but it slipped around so I couldn't get it right away.

'And do you, Co-rinne, she says just that away, like you used to say 'do you, Corinne, come and set on this velvet settee with me and Doctor, and listen to this here founting play. And I felt sad someways and I says, 'Oh, no, ma'am, it's all a mistake me being here, and these clo'es mustn't belong to a workin'-girl like me.