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In time of peace his power over men would have raised him to the highest positions had his Bohemian exuberance of thought and speech been tameable. It was not. He scorned prudence in moderation at all times, and his behaviour, when the wave of Revolution at last carried him to power, gave point to the taunt of Thiers "c'est un fou furieux."

"Then he shall pay dearly for it. Who is it?" "Monseigneur du Fou." "Oh, that alters the case," said the judge. "But justice?" said she. "I said the case, not the justice of it," replied the judge. "I must know how the affair occurred." Then the girl related naively how she was arranging the young lord's ruffles in his wardrobe, when he began to play with her skirt, and she turned round saying

On the morrow the judge went to the Court and saw Monseigneur du Fou, to whom he recounted the young woman's complaint, and how she had set forth her case. This complaint lodged in court, tickled the king immensely.

Ilapog! ilapog sa acon! Hindi! Ilapog sa firs' base! Fou' ball." Thus are the beginnings of great movements in small things. Those children got more real Americanism out of that corrupted ball game than they did from singing "My Country, 'tis of Thee" every morning.

Then creeping along by the broken coast, and the rocky creeks up to the outermost edge of the Pyrenees, leaving to the north the ancient path which Pompey and Caesar climbed, and feeling the winds that descend mysteriously from its gorges: Le vent qui vient a travers la montagne Me rendra fou. Lo, at once a new Heaven and a new Earth and a new People.

"Do you an' Lizay want to get married right away, or wait till Christmas?" Alston and Little Lizay looked at each other, smiling in an embarrassed way. "But, moster," said Alston, "I's got a wife an' fou' childun in Ol' Virginny, an' I promused I'd wait an' wouldn't git morred ag'in tell she'd write ter me ef her moster'd sell her; an' I was goin' ter ax yer ter buy 'er."

Fou' words du nae guid, as I aften hae occasion to impress upon the malefactors that are brocht here for safe-keeping," said the jailer, as he turned and looked around upon the underlings in attendance.

Wha kens? He heaved a sigh, but his eye twinkled satirically, 'The hairt o' man is deceitfu' an' daisperitly wicked, and he lifted the whites of his eyes heavenward like a hound mourning. 'Was the poor man robbed? I inquired shortly. 'Ay, was he, returned my uncle; 'he was seemingly stuffed wi' bank-notes for payin' his men the day. He was gangin' hame after supper gey fou, maist like.

"She wants du Fou; he'll give her du Fou!" The first time this giddy wench, with her head full of Monsieur du Fou, had to deliver the linen at his hotel, the chamberlain wished to see her, and was very profuse in praises and compliments concerning her charms, and wound up by telling her that she was not at all silly to be beautiful, and therefore he would give her more than she expected.

"Vous êtes fou!" he muttered to his nephew, and drove his paddle deep into the water. Day broke with staccato emphasis. The sun swung up out of Europe and burned down upon the canoe with a heat so equatorial in quality that Bennie discarded both his mackintosh and his sporting jacket.