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'How many fell upon you? demanded Sir James. 'It wad be a fule's wark to withstand them. Best bide fast in the covert, for our horses are sair forfaughten. 'If there are now more than twenty lances, I am greatly mistaken, returned Sir James. 'They must have broken up after striking their blow, or have sent to secure Glenuskie; and we, falling on them from this thicket

'Oh yes, my lord, replied Baird; 'but the lad was the harder to hold; and after the fever was gone, we deemed he could well brook the journey by water. 'Twas time I was here to guide ye too, my lord; you and the callant baith look sair forfaughten. 'We have had a sad time of it, Nigel, said James, with trembling lip.

I'm sair forfaughten this mony a year wi' watching the puir gowks, trying to do God's wark wi' the deevil's tools. Tak tent o' that." And I did "tak tent o' it." Still there would have been as little present consolation as usual in Mackaye's unwelcome truths, even if the matter had stopped there. But, alas! it did not stop there. O'Flynn seemed determined to "run a muck" at me.

I would it were ended, for I am aweary of it all." Jean and Elizabeth Curll tried to cheer and console her, alarmed at this unwonted depression, but she only said, "Get me to bed, nurse, I am sair forfaughten."