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The action of rousing up the blacks asleep beneath this one had communicated itself from wagon to wagon on to the end. "Open sesame!" caused the cave of the Forty Thieves to open; the magic word "Trek!" had started the wagon-drivers and forelopers; and now I expected the next thing would be a rush of Boer cavalry to surround us, unless Joeboy and I could hide. "Yah! hor! whoo-oop!

The forelopers walked slouching along, shouldering a bamboo sixteen or eighteen feet long, without so much as turning their heads in my direction; and the drivers on the wagon-boxes were sitting with heads down and shoulders raised, apparently asleep and troubled about nothing.

Be quiet and let me watch" for Denham had given me such a slap between the shoulders that I nearly dropped the glass. "Say it again, old man say it again." "There's no need," I replied. "Yes, I can make them out quite plainly six wagons, with their long teams of oxen and black drivers and forelopers. You can see the black bodies and white cloths." "I don't want to see them," cried Denham wildly.

Seeing the uneasy glances the drivers and forelopers directed at it from time to time, I felt convinced that if it had not been for this they would have played some trick with the bullocks, or have done something to stop the further progress of our prize-convoy, now that they fully understood what was wrong.

"But about the drivers and forelopers? When they find where we're going they'll want to go back to the lines." "Um? No," said Joeboy decidedly. "Black Kaffir chap. Not think at all. Very sleepy, Boss Val. Jus' like big bullock. You an' Joeboy tell um go along and they go along." "But suppose they turned suspicious and said they wouldn't go with us?"