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Then they all said 'Oh, and stuck their forefingers in the air and nodded their heads; but the poor fishermen who had heard the real nightingale said, 'It sounds very nice, and it is very like the real one, but there is something wanting, we don't know what. The real nightingale was banished from the kingdom.

They blew on him, and then whistled; at times they pressed their extended fingers with all their strength on his stomach; they also put their forefingers doubled into his mouth, and spouted water from their own with great violence into his face.

From the night I crossed the threshold of your house, things were different." There was a cloud upon her face. She began to drum with her slim forefingers upon the tablecloth. "I think that I would rather you did not go on," she said. He shook his head. "I must," he declared, fervently. "These things have been in my mind too long.

The man who was carrying the corpse was Jean Valjean; the one who had the key is speaking to you at this moment; and the piece of the coat . . ." Thenardier completed his phrase by drawing from his pocket, and holding, on a level with his eyes, nipped between his two thumbs and his two forefingers, a strip of torn black cloth, all covered with dark spots.

"Certainly," said the Prince, "provided I have to go over, and not under the water." The old gentleman made no reply to this, but putting his two forefingers in his mouth he whistled loudly. In a few moments a sea-boy came up out of the water, and stood beside him. The old man made a few remarks to him in the ocean dialect, when the boy jumped off the rock and disappeared beneath the waves.

The Ogre was quite contented with his dinner, and the Ogress got great praise for the way in which she had darned his stockings. Thus it went on for four days more. As the widow's little girl wouldn't work if her companions were killed, the Ogress cooked the pigs one after another, and the children were all sent away with burnt forefingers.

There was a tangled argument. "Well, he ," said the two, indicating their opponent with accusative forefingers. The huge soldier was quite purple with rage. He pointed at the two soldiers with his great hand, extended clawlike. "Well, they " But during this argumentative time the desire to deal blows seemed to pass, although they said much to each other.

It is oftener found in monks than in any other class of people; and on meeting a monk, and encountering his eye, an Italian usually makes a defensive sign by putting both hands behind him, with the forefingers and little fingers extended, although it is a controverted point whether it be not more efficacious to extend the hand with its outspread fingers towards the suspected person.

Well, Alice, what have you to say? I see a thought in your eyes." "Why, papa," said Dotty, laying her forefingers together with emphasis, "I've known what I'm thankful for, for two days. I'm thankful Mrs. Rosenberg isn't my mother!" A smile went around the table. "But, papa, I am, truly. What should I want her for a mother for?"

When the head appears, the midwife must hold it gently between her hands, and draw the child, whenever the woman's pains are upon her, but at no other times; slipping her forefingers under its armpits by degrees, and not using a rough hand in drawing it out, lest the tender infant might become deformed by such means.