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Jack disappeared down the fore-hatchway, but directly afterwards returned with a look of horror. "There are three poor fellows there, sir. One of them is alive; but, from the way he was crying out, I don't think he can live many minutes longer. She looks to me like a French vessel at all events, she is not English." This announcement was truly alarming.

"Let him take that for his trouble," cried Moggy, turning round, and delivering a swinging box of the ear upon the astonished marine, who not liking to encounter such an Amazon, made a hasty retreat down the fore-hatchway. "So there you are, are you?" continued Moggy, as Vanslyperken stepped on the deck. "Silence, Moggy." "You, that would flog my own dear darling duck my own Jemmy." "Silence!

The tar uttered sundry imprecations touching his "day-lights" and "grappling-irons," and was up on deck and down into the canoe in a moment, overhauling everything; but neither the blanket nor the purchaser was to be found. At this the sailor ran about like a madman, until, at last, he espied the fellow moving down the fore-hatchway.

I did the same. With reiterated sacres and diables of every description, some now rushed down into the cabin, while others went down the fore-hatchway, while more of the men from the lugger poured upon our decks; but none of them molested Bramble or me, as we continued standing at the wheel.

Mr Lawrie and the other officers exerted themselves to the utmost, he setting a good example by his courage and activity. Dense volumes of smoke, however, continued to ascend both from the fore and main hatchway; while flames which had at first only flickered up occasionally now burst forth through the fore-hatchway, circling round the foremast and catching the rigging and sails.

"I don't care for that, sirrah; if you don't find out by dinner-time, you're food for fishes that all; you may go." The cook walked off wringing his hands and his night-cap as well for he still held it in his right hand and disappeared down the fore-hatchway. "I have done this to pay you a deserved compliment, ladies; you have more courage than the other sex."

Mr Vanslyperken remained nearly two hours without sending for the corporal; at last, surprised at not seeing him return, he went on deck. The men on the forecastle perceiving this, immediately disappeared gently down the fore-hatchway.

See if you can find one of the instructors handy, and tell him, with my compliments, I should like to see him for a minute!" "Yes, sir," replied this chap, saluting. "I seed Mister Saunders by the fore-hatchway jist now." "He'll do," said the master-at-arms. "Carry on, my lad. Look sharp!"

But foot by foot they were driven towards the stern. At length the devouring element burst through all control, and rushed up the fore-hatchway, rising triumphantly as high as the foreyard. Yet the ship kept on her way. The men remained firm to their duty.

Our men, who had brought off the last of her crew, reported that, as they left her, flames were just beginning to burst from the fore-hatchway; and it was therefore certain that the rescue had not taken place an hour too soon. Whilst we were at dinner, Powell called us up on deck to look at her again, when we found that she was blazing like a tar-barrel.