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The rest ensconced themselves behind the neighboring dikes, and Frye, hastily landing with the rest of his men, engaged the assailants for three hours, but was forced at last to reimbark. [Footnote 277: Also Boishébert

The footnote to the first page of the fourth part is the testimony of a collaborator to the genius of his fellow-workman, an example of appreciation and modest self-effacement which it would not be easy to match, and to which literary men who work together are not over-prone.

It must be remembered that East Anglia was notorious for the frequency of the disease in question. But FitzGerald's fears concerning Posh were not realised. Levi was a Lowestoft fishmonger, referred to in the footnote of Two Suffolk Friends, p. 108. The difference between "sunk" and "swum" herring nets would be unintelligible to a modern herring fisher.

[Footnote 386: It was believed by the local ministers that Danckaerts and Sluyter while in New York engaged actively in proselytizing. Thus, Rev. Henricus Selyns, Domine Niewenhuisen's successor, says in a letter to Rev. Willem

C.C. Carstens, Proceedings of the Fifth New York State Conference of Charities and Correction, 1904, p. 196. See p. 65, footnote. This paragraph was submitted to the two agencies which furnished the illustrations. Their replies are in part as follows: Agency A. "Your criticism ... is purely theoretical and has no basis in fact.

I went home and learned learned every word of the text, every comma, every footnote. When the teacher had read my paper she marked it "EE." "E" was for "excellent," but my paper was absolutely perfect, and must be put in a class by itself. The teacher exhibited my paper before the class, with some remarks about the diligence that could overtake in a week pupils who had had half a year's start.

[Footnote 482: Montcalm

[Footnote 38: Lebensbild, V, Erlangen, 1846, p.

[Footnote 129: Duquesne

PLACIDA AC LENIS: 'quiet and mild'; placida refers to the external surroundings, lenis to the temper and character. ACCEPIMUS: sc. fuisse; for the ellipsis of the infinitive cf. n. on 22 videretur. For the position of the words see G. 94, 3; H. 174, footnote 3. SCRIBENS EST MORTUUS: 'died while still engaged upon his works'; cf. 23 num Platonem ... coegit in suis studiis obmutiscere senectus?